Aliens Confirmed Dead
In researching a reader’s letter about “Department of Flying Saucers” in the Sept. 2010 issue, I came across a report on the Web site, UFO Casebook, which claimed that General Omar Bradley had been flown overseas to view alien beings retrieved from a UFO crash site in the Arctic Circle. The report …
"Department of Flying Saucers" in the Sept. 2010 issue, I came across a report on the Web site, UFO Casebook, which claimed that General Omar Bradley had been flown overseas to view alien beings retrieved from a UFO crash site in the Arctic Circle. The report writer, Billy R., put it thusly: "In the early 50s her husband, who did not talk much about his work, told her he had flown the general to Germany to see some little space men approximately 3 feet tall and dead."
Well. Surely that beats alien vampires, who would perhaps be the same height but undead.
In researching a reader's letter about Well. Surely that beats alien vampires, who would perhaps be the same height but undead.