Stupid Pilot Tricks 2.0
Several people received minor injuries when the powerful rotors of a Marine Corps V-22 Osprey, landing at a Staten Island park during a Memorial Day aerial demonstration, created mini-tornadoes of dirt, brush, and debris. Air & Space hereby bestows upon the crew the 2010 Stupid Pilot Award, fir…
2001 feature story. The upside? Clearly, the V-22 makes a dandy crowd-dispersant device.
Marine Corps spokesman Lieutenant Josh Diddams had this to say: " stirs up a lot of wind, and that's apparently what it did," thereby qualifying for a "DO'H!" Award.
Several people received minor injuries when the powerful rotors of a Marine Corps V-22 Osprey, landing at a Staten Island park during a Memorial Day aerial demonstration, created mini-tornadoes of dirt, brush, and debris. Air & Space hereby bestows upon the crew the 2010 Stupid Pilot Award, first documented in our Marine Corps spokesman Lieutenant Josh Diddams had this to say: " stirs up a lot of wind, and that's apparently what it did," thereby qualifying for a "DO'H!" Award.