Is the Smithsonian Castle haunted? The Institution's founder, James Smithson, is said to be among the otherworldly visitors.

Busting 13 of the Smithsonian’s Most Persistent Myths

From castle hauntings to hiding evidence of giant humans, the Smithsonian has long been the subject of wild rumors and tall tales

Kogod Courtyard, Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery

Happy Holidays! The Smithsonian is Closed on Christmas Day

'Twas the Night Before Christmas' on the National Mall

The Beautiful Flight Paths of Fireflies

Flirting lightning bugs illuminate a dark forest with golden flight during mating season


An Airplane Graveyard Becomes a Kids’ Playground

These grounded planes in the Congo have captured the imagination of these children


Smithsonian Holiday Festival: Movies, Music, Shopping and More

But… the rum’s gone!

How to Eat Like a Pirate on International Talk Like a Pirate Day

While we all have a communal sense of how pirates talked, our sense of how pirates ate lies, by comparison, in uncharted waters

Food service crew workers

Eating on the March: Food at the 1963 March on Washington

Organizing an event that large was a formidable task in and of itself. Tackling the issue of handling food for the masses was another issue entirely

Harvey Girls, circa 1926, in evening uniforms at the El Tovar Hotel.

How the West Was Won… By Waitresses

Harvey Girls helped settle the west and advance the stature of women in the workforce

Store-provided personal barcode scanners are becoming more commonplace, but the technology is being adapted for smart phones to make for an easier shopping experience.

Five Ways to See the Supermarket of the Future Today

Huitlacoche, a black corn fungus, is an agricultural bane to some, but to others, it’s a delicacy.

Delicious Molds: Four Fungi Fit For Your Plate

Some molds are perfectly fit for consumption, if not desired to produce fine dining fare

In the Lunder Conservation Center Paper Lab with conservator Kate Maynor

A Visit to the Lunder Conservation Center Art Doctor

The pros at the Lunder Conservation Center offer helpful advice for collectors, including our own Jesse Rhodes

An advertisement for Dole canned pineapple, circa 1940s.

It’s Pineapple Season, But Does Your Fruit Come From Hawaii?

While Hawaii was once the big kahuna in pineapple production, it's since been overtaken by other global powers


Last Minute Food-Themed Gift Ideas

There's still time to pick up these magazines, books, kitchen gadgets and food stuffs for your Christmas shopping needs

Popcorn and cranberry chain

Five Ways to Deck Your Halls With Food this Christmas

There are lots of ways to use goods in the pantry to make your digs a little merrier


Death of a Twinkie: What’s a Trash Foodie to Do Without Hostess?

Hostess, the bakery responsible for Twinkies, is declaring bankruptcy and liquidating its assets

Roasted cauliflower

Five Ways to Cook With Cauliflower

Roasted, grilled or pureed, the versatile vegetable can be served many ways beyond one mother's love of deep-frying it

Pan de muerto

Food During Times of Grief

In a funereal setting, food often servers a number of symbolic functions


The Michelin Guide: Why We Look to Automotive Experts for Dining Advice

How did a tire company get in the restaurant reviewing business?

Homemade wheat bread

How Well Have You Kept Your 2012 Resolutions?

As 2012 comes to a close, our food writer takes stock of his progress on fulfilling his personal promises

Jennifer Griffin on Managing a Kitchen as an Amputee

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