Wild Hope: Earth Optimism Book of the Month

April’s book of the month celebrates conservation success for Earth Month.

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Happy Earth Month! This month we are celebrating the 5th anniversary of the inaugural Earth Optimism Summit which was hosted by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. and the Cambridge Conservation Initiative in the U.K. In honor of this continuing partnership through the Earth Optimism Alliance, this month’s Earth Optimism Book of the Month is Wild Hope by Andrew Balmford. 

Andrew Balmford is a professor of conservation science at Cambridge University and, as one of our key Earth Optimism Alliance partners, has helped shape how Earth Optimism sparks positive conversations around the world amidst the permeating doom and gloom. In Wild Hope, Balmford explores a few fascinating and inspirational success stories of how conservation truly works and creates scalable solutions. We hope you’ll enjoy diving into this collection of stories as you celebrate Earth Month and find optimism for our planet.