

The Timeless Art of Crafts

The Ferengi (left) and Borg (right) designs, both developed by Westmore for Star Trek: The Next Generation

Beauty and the Beasts

Coming from a long line of tortured but brilliant makeup artists, Michael Westmore has put the past behind him, boldly going where no one has gone before


The Pinhole Point of View

A new generation of photographers is pushing the artistic possibilities of the simple, old-fashioned technique of taking pictures through a hole in a box


People in Glass Houses...


From Paper to Pixels

Adult tricycle

Bound for Glory

Or maybe not. America's most grueling adult tricycle competition is tough on riders and equipment alike


Portraits on the Plains

Armed with easel, palette and pencil, George Catlin went west in the 1830s to paint the real "Wild West"

For the Love of It: Amateuring and Its Rivals

Book Reviews

For the Love of It: Amateuring and Its Rivals

George Mason

George Mason: Forgotten Founder, He Conceived the Bill of Rights

This wise Virginian was a friend to four future presidents, yet he refused to sign the Constitution


Squaring the Circle Is No Piece of Pi

Mathematicians have sliced, and now supercomputers have crunched, but the mystery of pi goes on and on and...

Mariana fruit bat Pteropus mariannus

Batty About Flying Foxes

Long considered black devils with wings, these bats today are stealing hearts – and mangoes – across Australia

The Ant planetary nebula. Ejecting gas from the dying central star shows symmetrical patterns unlike the chaotic patterns of ordinary explosions.

A Celestial News Bureau

Three Smithsonian astronomers run a worldwide news service about what is happening overhead


The Grandeur That Was Rome

A new exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art showcases the Eternal City as the artistic and cultural capital of 18th-century Europe


Petal Power

Fire on the Mountain: The True Story of the South Canyon Fire

Fire on the Mountain

"The Basque History of the World" By Mark Kurlansky

Earning a Halo Can Stink to High Heaven


When War Called, Davis Answered

The first modern war correspondent, Richard Harding Davis covered the first modern wars

Catacombs of Paris

Empire of the Dead

Birds, Bees and Even Nectar-feeding Bats Do It

Across our fields, orchards and backyard gardens, the pollinators we rely on for the food we eat are facing threats on many fronts

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