From alarm clocks that pummel you in the head to ingenious devices to save your crayon nubs, a peek into the patent archives for back to school season
In April 1944, the Nazis began to systematically terrorize the Jews living in Hungary. Shortly afterwards, they forced them to hand over their valuables
How one citizen science endeavor is using the Internet to democratize the search for distant worlds
Dancing – and dancing shows – became a teenage craze in the 1950s, spurred by figures like Cleveland DJ, Alan Freed
Conservators are bringing new innovations to save the 80-pound suit that allowed the first astronaut on the moon to take that giant leap
These still-standing trees are a living testament to our country's tragic past
A new documentary charts the 87-year-old leader's advocacy across the decades
Vast new deposits of lithium could change the global politics of battery production—if we can get at them
Six days after 9/11, first lady Laura Bush spoke at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at the memorial for the victims of Flight 93
Ananabai Joshee dedicated her career to treating women and helped blaze a path for international doctors training in the U.S.
Decades later, Jean-Michel Basquiat’s complex works are increasingly prescient—and valuable
You asked, we answered
Drawing the connection between fascism abroad and hate at home, pre-Civil Rights activists declared the necessity of “double victory”
America’s longest-orbiting astronaut describes his rocky return to Earth in this adaptation from his book 'Endurance'
A stunning new theory suggests that a debate over the failed treatment of their son's smallpox was the culprit
Fifty years ago, the anarchist protester sent traders sprawling for dollar bills—and became a media sensation
In 1995, Hillary Clinton was scheduled to deliver a speech at the United Nation's Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing
More than 80 award-winning and aspirational writers shared work across multiple genres
A Navy engineer used creative modeling and her knowledge of underwater explosions to tackle the century-old Hunley conundrum
The notorious sleepyhead manages to rouse himself for fans
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