When the East African Rift Valley transformed dramatically, new weapons arose and trade expanded
The "discovery" turned out to be the biggest hoax in the history of paleoanthropology
This year's hominid finds illuminate the great diversity and adaptability of our ancient relatives
The search for humans' most ancient ancestors began in South Africa, where some of paleoanthropology's most iconic fossils have been found
The history of anthropology is littered with many now-defunct hominid species that no longer have a place on the human family tree
A longer life expectancy might have allowed members of the genus Homo to grow taller than earlier australopithecines, researchers propose
An offering of books, bumper stickers, artwork and other knickknacks for the hominid enthusiast on your gift list
Scientists argue that grasping hands and feet, good vision and other primate adaptations emerged because the mammals plucked fruits from the ends of tree branches
A hominid that lived in Europe more than a million years ago might have given rise to Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, some anthropologists say
Fossil finds from Tanzania in the mid-20th century kicked off East African hominid hunting
Unlike earlier hominids, the 3.5-million-year-old Australopithecus bahrelghazali ate grassland foods
Tiny blades discovered in South Africa suggest early humans had advanced intelligence and modern culture 71,000 years ago
Huge variability in Australopithecus afarensis height may have made it difficult for group members to walk together at the same speed
Scientists have identified dozens of early primates, based on teeth, but still have a hard time assessing how these mammals relate to modern primates
People may seem very different from lemurs, monkeys and apes, but all primates share a few key physical and behavioral characteristics
The shoulder blades of a 3.3-million-year-old Australopithecus afarensis child suggest the species spent at least some time in the treetops
The ABO blood group evolved at least 20 million years ago, but scientists still don't understand the purpose of blood types
Scientists disagree over whether a 3.5-million-year-old skull is a flat-faced species of hominid or just a distorted example of Australopithecus afarensis
Would sinus headaches be more bearable if humans had descended from Asian apes instead of African apes?
Home to Lucy, Ardi, the oldest stone tools, the first fossils of modern humans and many other discoveries, Ethiopia deserves the title of Cradle of Humankind
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