Smart News

This is the first documented rainbow sea slug in a rock pool in the United Kingdom.

Rare 'Technicolor' Rainbow Sea Slug Found in England

It's only the fourth record of the species in the U.K., and experts say it's a sign of warming waters due to climate change

A Minnesota man has been indicted in connection with the 2005 theft of a pair of Judy Garland's ruby slippers, seen here when they were recovered in 2018, along with the single red sequin that was left at the scene of the crime.

Someone Stole Dorothy's Ruby Slippers in 2005. Now, a Minnesota Man Has Been Charged

While the "Wizard of Oz" shoes were recovered several years ago, authorities hadn't previously named any suspects

One of the study's participants was Woofus, a 15-year-old basset hound mix.

Older Dogs With Dementia Sleep Poorly—Just Like Humans

The findings may help veterinarians and pet parents identify canine cognitive decline

This stainless steel scuplture was one of 12 artifacts stolen from the Kelham Island Museum.

'Irreplaceable' Artifacts Stolen From a Museum in Sheffield, England

The 12 items are part of the region's rich history as a metalworking capital

A death cap mushroom, the most poisonous mushroom in the world. Around 90 percent of all mushroom-related fatalities are caused by the fungus.

Possible Antidote to World's Deadliest Mushroom Discovered

A dye used in medical imaging appeared to make the death cap's toxin less fatal to mice in a new study

Bone fractures suggest that structural damage killed the two Pompeii residents.

These Two Ancient Pompeii Victims Died in an Earthquake—Not a Volcanic Eruption

Archaeologists have found the bodies of two men who perished in the days before Mount Vesuvius erupted

An MRI of the brain of a person with Alzheimer's not connected to the new study.

A Man's Rare Genetic Mutation May Have Prevented Alzheimer's for Decades

Scientists hope the findings could lead to treatments for the memory-destroying disease

Hormiphora californensis, also called the California sea gooseberry, is a comb jelly common in California coastal waters.

Comb Jellies May Be the World's Oldest Animal Group

A new study suggests that ancestors of comb jellies, not sponges, were the first to break off from the common ancestor of all animals

Defendants sit next to their lawyers at the Higher Regional Court in Dresden on January 10, 2023.

Five Men Convicted in $100 Million Jewel Heist That Rocked Germany

The thieves who robbed Dresden's Green Vault in 2019 are members of the Remmo crime family

An artistic rendering of the newly discovered LP 791-18 d exoplanet

Newly Discovered Exoplanet May Be Covered in Volcanoes

Astronomers found an Earth-sized world that could have liquid water on its surface and may be able to support life

The Big Four Bridge crosses the Ohio River between Louisville, Kentucky, and Jeffersonville, Indiana.

Airbnb Names the Top Trending Destinations for Summer 2023

From relaxing beach towns to historic European cities, these popular spots will soon be bustling with vacationers

Researchers Jessica Farrell and Sean Goggin collect water samples at Moultrie Creek in St. Augustine, Florida.

Scientists Can Now Pull Human DNA From Air and Water, Raising Privacy Questions

Environmental DNA helps monitor elusive and endangered animals, but it could be an ethical minefield when used with humans, new study shows

Pablo Picasso's 1900 painting Le Moulin de la Galette, which originally contained a small lapdog

Cool Finds

Small Dog Wearing Red Bow Found Hidden in Picasso Painting

The Spanish painter decided against keeping the cute canine in the foreground of "Le Moulin de la Galette"

Experts at Freeman’s, a Philadelphia auction house, say that the windows were crafted by Tiffany Studios around 1904.

Cool Finds

Bought for $6,000, Grime-Covered Windows Are Actually Tiffany—and Worth Up to $250,000 Each

When a Philadelphia church sold its stained glass windows to a collector, nobody knew how valuable they were

Wildfire during Greece's 2021 heatwave, which experts have linked to climate change

The Next Five Years Will Almost Certainly Be the Warmest on Record, U.N. Says

Earth is likely to pass 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming over pre-industrial levels, a key climate threshold, by 2027, according to a new report

With wingspans of up to nine feet, California condors are the largest birds in North America.

Bird Flu Vaccine Approved in Emergency Effort to Save California Condors

The virus has set back the endangered birds' recovery, but a newly hatched chick is flu-free and being raised by veterinarians

Paris is working on an ambitious project to clean the Seine river for use during swimming events in the 2024 Summer Olympics.

The Paris Olympics

For the First Time in a Century, Paris Is Making the Seine Swimmable

The city's ambitious project will allow Olympians, and later the French public, to return to the famous river's waters

Trichophyton simii, shown here under a microscope, is one of 40 species of fungi that can cause ringworm infections.

First Cases of Drug-Resistant Ringworm Found in the U.S.

The two patients—both in New York City—developed itchy rashes that did not go away with typical antifungal medications

Ski resorts in the Rocky Mountains received record-setting snowfall this year, which likely inspired more people to go skiing and snowboarding.

Ski Areas Reported More Visits Than Ever This Past Winter

Heavy snowfall—particularly in the Rocky Mountains—attracted record numbers of American skiers and snowboarders

A spider hides between its own legs.

See 15 Breathtaking Shots From the Close-Up Photographer of the Year Challenge

This themed contest rewarded minimalism, with clean photographs of insects, spiders and plants earning accolades

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