The current forecast from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, says the glowing display could be visible as far as Madison, Wisconsin
The drug showed promise in an 18-month clinical trial, but some experts have expressed concerns about its safety and cost
The new film stars Joaquin Phoenix and follows the ambitious French ruler's rise to power
Scientists identified the diminutive birds after finding two of their fossilized skulls
Some enthusiasts are selling their homes in preparation, while others have balked at the risks
While the museum lacks a permanent home, it's bringing lively events to the "Borough of Salsa"
Researchers in Spain had previously assumed that the grave belonged to a high-status young man
The Twitter competitor launched on Wednesday and already has more than 70 million sign-ups, per CEO Mark Zuckerberg
The plants' rare and pungent blooms happen once every few years and last only a couple of days
Tormod Fjeld and two friends have spent years searching for traces of rock art in their free time
Scheduled to debut in January, the vessel can accommodate 5,600 guests and 2,350 crew members
Between 1999 and 2019, pregnancy-related mortality rose dramatically, with the worst outcomes among Native American, Alaska Native and Black people
The 8,000-year-old pits shed light on a period in Britain that historians know very little about
Last year, the snow melted 17 days earlier because of dust, which warms more quickly than pure white powder, a new study finds
Researchers attribute the sweltering heat to a combination of human-caused climate change and El Niño, which has a global warming effect
Archaeologists discovered the seven-foot-long vessel near Chichén Itzá two years ago
The stash was submerged some 111 feet deep in temperatures as cold as 41 degrees Fahrenheit
Plants visited by honeybees rather than native bees may become more inbred, a new study suggests
The new shot also features three of the planet's many moons, including Enceladus, a strong candidate for hosting life
A toxin present in algal blooms is moving through the food chain, leading to the deaths of sea lions and dolphins
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