Smart News

New Research

Unraveling the Genetics Behind Why Some People "See" Sound and "Hear" Color

Researchers find several genes that regulate the wiring for synesthesia in the brain

New research sheds light on the stick spider's evolutionary history in Hawaii.

These Curious Spiders Evolved the Same Way Over and Over and Over Again

A new study suggests the stick spider evolved the same way in multiple different places

Two Antarctic Penguins Took an Adorable ‘Selfie’

They were investigating a camera belonging to an expeditioner with the Australian Antarctic Division

An artist's illustration of the Tiangong-1 space lab in orbit.

Trending Today

Five Things to Know About China's Falling Space Station

For one, it's exceedingly unlikely to cause you harm

The ‘Mona Lisa’ May Leave the Louvre for the First Time in 44 Years

France’s culture minister said she is ‘seriously considering’ sending da Vinci’s masterpiece on a tour of the country


Cool Finds

500-Year-Old Pistol Part Could Shed Light on Colorado’s Spanish Colonial Past

The pistol part was found during an excavation several years ago by the Museums of Western Colorado’s Western Investigations Team

Never-Before-Seen Mineral Found Inside a Diamond

The diamond acted as a container, keeping a piece of calcium silicate perovskite stable as it moved towards the Earth’s surface

Illustration of the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft approaching the Sun.

Get a "Hot Ticket" to Send Your Name to the Sun

Sign up to have your name placed on a microchip that will travel on board the Parker Solar Probe

Cool Finds

Rare 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Footage Found at Flea Market

The nine-minute Miles brothers film reel shows the devastation that the powerful quake wrought

Students at the New York Academy of Art have reconstructed the faces of migrants who died at the border in hopes of identifying them.

To Help Identify Migrants Who Died Along Border, Art Class Reconstructs Their Faces

When DNA analysis and dental exams aren’t possible, facial reconstruction is a last-resort to identifying remains

The eight cyclones orbiting Jupiter's north pole.

New Research

New Juno Data Gives Unprecedented Glimpse Beneath Jupiter's Stormy Shell

The massive planet's storm go much deeper than previously suspected and its interior rotates nearly as a solid mass

"Early Days"

San Francisco Votes to Remove Statue with Racist Depiction of Native Americans

The monument shows a Mexican vaquero and Franciscan monk towering over a Native American man

Trending Today

How Conflict in the Balkans Is Screwing Up Europe's Clocks

Kosovo and Serbia's clash over energy dropped the oscillation of the Euro grid, making clocks run as much as six minutes behind


7,000-Year-Old Native American 'Bog Burial' Found Off the Coast of Florida

Experts have identified the remains of at least six individuals, and suspect there are many more bodies to be found

Photographers and locals are witnessing what's called "blue ice" near Lake Michigan.

Huge Chunks of Blue Ice Appear on Lake Michigan's Straits of Mackinac

Blue ice isn't actually blue, it just appears that way because of how light is reflected on it

Nathan Bedford Forrest

New Historic Marker Highlights Nathan Bedford Forrest's Ties to the Slave Trade

An earlier marker only noted the Confederate general, widely believed to be the Ku Klux Klan's first leader, became wealthy from his ‘business enterprises’

Storm Emma has caused one of the UK's largest mass strandings of sea critters along the North Sea coast.

Tens of Thousands of Sea Creatures Wash Up on UK Shores Following Freezing Weather

Piles of starfish, crab, mussels and lobsters collected along the North Sea coast

This image shows curved sand dunes but also a strange pattern of boulder piles on the landscape of Mars.

Striking Mars Image Shows Strange Boulder Piles and Undulating Sand Dunes

Though the image looks otherworldly, the likely processes behind these oddities also happen on Earth

Thismia neptunis

Cool Finds

After 150 Years, This Bizarre Plant Was Rediscovered in Malaysia

<em>Thismia neptunis</em> spends most of its life underground, only making a rare appearance to bloom

U.S. Lifts Ban on the Import of African Elephant Trophies

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has said that it will now evaluate big-game permits on a ‘case-by-case basis’

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