Smart News

The early days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic were marked with stigma and confusion.

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This Was the First Major News Article on HIV/AIDS

The epidemic’s early days were perplexing and terrifying

Chicago Library Seeks Help Transcribing Magical Manuscripts

Three texts dealing with charms, spirits, and all other manners of magical practice are now accessible online

All of these images were created by the neural networks

New Research

AI Project Produces New Styles of Art

Researchers let two neural networks critique each other to create the images

The Huey Tzompantli

Cool Finds

Aztec "Skull Tower" Contains Remains of Women and Children

The tzompantli were once believed to only contain the skulls of conquered male warriors

Art Meets Science

Is Jupiter the "Star" in Lord Byron's Famous Poem?

According to astronomer Donald Olson, the brilliant star described in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is actually a planet

The proposal would have seen a racetrack and casino built three miles away from the now-grassy slopes of Gettysburg National Military Park.

Someone Was Actually Trying to Build a Casino Three Miles From the Gettysburg Battle Site

A local businessman said the casino would bring jobs and money to the historic region–but other locals said gaming would irrevocably change Gettysburg

This famous Capitol Hill painting shows the June 28, 1776 moment when the first draft of the Declaration of Independence was brought to the Second Continental Congress. Its painter, John Turnbull, was trying to capture the drama of the moment, but the painting isn't historically accurate.

Suggested Alternative Dates for Independence Day

The reason Independence Day is on July 4 isn’t very robust

Sony Will Start Pressing Vinyl Records After a 28-Year Hiatus

The company stopped producing vinyl records in 1989

Kemper County coal gasification plant

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Major "Clean Coal" Project in Mississippi Shuts Down

Billions over budget and three years behind, the Kemper County coal gasification project will now produce electricity using natural gas

A pin-tailed whydah in Africa

New Research

This Beautiful Species Could Be Trouble for Native Birds

Analysis shows that the parasitic pin-tailed whydah could impact native birds in the Caribbean, Hawaii and the southern U.S.

Cheers To This Spanish Town's Annual Wine Battle

The boozy event has its roots in a 13th century land dispute

Trending Today

Geek Out to This Asteroid Day Livestream

For 24 hours a YouTube channel will host discussions on space rocks and their potential impacts on Earth

Researchers used facial reconstruction software to paint a vivid portrait of one Dubliner that lived 500 years ago.

New Research

3-D Reconstruction Reveals Face of 500-Year-Old Irishman

The image offers a rare portrait of an ordinary Dubliner

The first atomic shock wave caused by Gilda's explosion on this day in 1946.

The Crazy Story of the 1946 Bikini Atoll Nuclear Tests

They were the first time that a nuclear weapon had been deployed since the 1945 attacks on Japan

Images of Yosemite, like this one taken circa 1865, helped increase public appetite for the park.

Lincoln's Signature Laid the Groundwork for the National Park System

The "Yo-Semite Valley" was made a California state park on this day in 1864, but it quickly became a national park

Once Upon a Place brings phone booths back to Times Square to tell immigrant stories.

Cool Finds

Phone Booths Are Back in Times Square—And This Time, They’re Telling Immigrant Stories

<i>Once Upon a Place</i> features the oral histories of 70 immigrants

The cloud in the upper left hand part of the image are from a barium release—with the purple-red ionized cloud oriented along the Earth’s magnetic field lines. The blue and white trail in the lower portion of the image is from a tri-methyl-aluminum vapor trail that follows neutral wind.

Trending Today

NASA Launch Will Dot the Sky With Colorful Clouds

No, it's not aliens or a massive conspiracy plot—just a space-age study of the atmosphere

The Bourse de Commerce building will soon transition to a modern art museum.

Former Paris Stock Exchange To Be Transformed into Art Museum

The renovation will be so remarkable, according to the lead architect, it will cure Brexit-induced malaise

The Neanderthal teeth, including the impacted molar

New Research

Neanderthals May Have Used Toothpicks to Treat Aching Teeth

A Neanderthal living in what is now Croatia and wore grooves in his or her teeth trying to soothe the pain

Southern Resident orcas frolic in Puget Sound.

New Research

Two Thirds of Southern Resident Orca Pregnancies Fail

But now scientists think they know why

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