A new study of Japanese tits provides the first evidence of non-primate animals using gestures to convey messages
Scientists found a 31 percent increase in fatal car crashes around the 2017 total solar eclipse, akin to spikes in traffic risk on busy holiday weekends
About 200 servers competed in the 1.2-mile race—a tradition that goes back to 1914
The metal fragment was once part of a papal bull, an official communication distributed by the Catholic Church
The message came in through the museum's online contact form on March 17
The project—titled Museums Without Men—debuted in the U.S. and the U.K. during Women's History Month
Humans living in northwest Ethiopia around 74,000 years ago switched to eating more fish following the eruption, a behavior that might have enabled migration out of Africa
The object likely broke off a doomed plane during a crash on the isle of Arran
Your dog may know the word "ball" is associated with their favorite round squishy toy, according to new research that measured brain waves
Michel Talagrand took home the 2024 Abel Prize for his work on stochastic systems, randomness and a proof of a physics reaction that many experts thought was unsolvable
The Perth Museum in Scotland is unveiling digital reconstructions of men and women who lived in the region from the Bronze Age through the 16th century
A new modeling study suggests the dark dunes on Saturn's largest moon are made of tiny particles created by crashing comets and moonlets billions of years ago
The experimental procedure was done on a man experiencing end-stage kidney failure last week who had been on the transplant waiting list for two years
The artifact, which features the words "like enduringly, love forever," had been declared a treasure by officials in Wales
Five California sites made the top ten list for unhealthiest air, according to a new report
Federal investigators have handed over the shoes to their rightful owner, who plans to sell them at auction later this year
For the first time, scientists have recreated what one patient suffering from prosopometamorphopsia, or PMO, sees when he looks at faces
The 7,000-year-old vessels offer evidence of advanced seafaring technology and an extensive regional trade network, a new study suggests
The National Park Service's restoration project will reconstruct a protective seawall and plant 274 new cherry blossoms when work is complete
Found in Poland, the "pilgrim's badge" was likely worn by a Christian traveler hundreds of years ago
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