Smart News

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Washington State Has Released up to 3,200 Inmates Early Thanks to Computer Glitch

The software bug has been miscalculating release dates for 13 years

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Listen to Bob Dylan Read '’Twas the Night Before Christmas'

A favorite voice interprets a classic

Pile of yarn or unknotting opportunity?

Cool Finds

Tied Up in Knots? Call a Yarn Detangler

A niche group of knitters specializes in wrangling disobedient skeins

This mysterious object was discovered buried in a Jerusalem cemetery.

Cool Finds

It Took Israeli Authorities Months to Identify This Strange, Gold Object

Ancient artifact or back massager?

Smile! You're at the DMV!

Trending Today

Virginians Can Now Legally Smile for Their Licenses

That trip to the DMV is about to get a little less awful

The back shell of NASA’s InSight spacecraft being lowered onto the lander, last July, in preparation for the mission.

Trending Today

Here's Why NASA Had to Postpone a 2016 Mission to Mars

A leak in a key instrument on board the InSight lander means the team will have to wait for the next launch window in 2018

Cool Finds

Oysters Could Save Staten Island From the Next Hurricane Sandy

A living breakwater could prevent future flooding while cleaning polluted waters

Coast Redwood trees are one of the more than 200 species threatened by extinction around the world.

Trending Today

Meet the World’s Most Threatened Christmas Trees

Some conifers' survival is endangered by disease, deforestation and competition

New Research

This Hearing Test Can Be Taken Over the Phone

Though it doesn't replace a visit to a doctor, researchers hope it will persuade more people to seek help

Trending Today

Archivists Are Trying to Preserve Paris’ Post-Attack Memorials

Future generations will know how Parisians responded to attacks in their city

An illustration of a prosthetic hand.

Cool Finds

Sensors Designed for Prosthetic Hands Could Lead to New Textile Standards

Haptic sensors might help figure out if thread count really matters

This yellow-bellied watersnake gave birth without male contact in the last eight years.

Cool Finds

In Nature, Virgin Births Are Pretty Common

Fish do it, bugs do it, even some species of snakes do it

Trending Today

The FDA Lifted a Lifetime Ban on Gay and Bisexual Men Giving Blood

Or did it?

This photo of two short-nosed sea snakes alerted researchers to the species' survival, even though they were thought to be extinct for 15 years.

New Research

They’re Back: Supposedly Extinct Sea Snakes Have Been Found in Australia

Nearly 15 years later and about 1,000 miles away from the last sighting, the snakes could be making a comeback

Astronomers have discovered strange chemicals in interstellar objects like the Horsehead Nebula.

Cool Finds

Scientists Are Searching for Space Chemicals That Could Never Exist on Earth

Bizarre chemicals in deep space could help explain the origins of life

A long exposure captures the Falcon 9's launch and return.

Trending Today

SpaceX's Rocket Stuck the Landing

During the first Falcon 9 launch in six months, the first stage booster rocket make a neat u-turn in air and a clean landing on the ground

Nicholas Cage, Tyrannosaurus returner.

Trending Today

Nicholas Cage Returned a Stolen Dino Skull

The actor paid $270,000 for the skull of one of T. rex's cousins

Yellow and red are the primary colors in this double rainbow.

New Research

Not All Rainbows Have Every Color

Depending on the angle of the sun, ROY G. BIV don't all necessarily appear

The Catalan Nativity character known as Caganer in the Santa Llucia Christmas Market, Barcelona, Spain.


Catalonian Nativity Scenes Feature a Man Pooping in the Manger Scene’s Corner

Kids also celebrate Christmas by beating a log until it poops out treats

Trending Today

Lions Get More Protection From the Endangered Species Act

Americans will still be able to hunt in some regions, but bringing trophies home will be harder

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