Smart News

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Confused Construction Workers Tore Down an Ancient Tomb and Replaced it With a Picnic Table

Is the tomb's picnic table-like appearance to blame?

Cool Finds

What Does Neuroscience Know About Meditation?

There are still many unknowns, but the practice seems to improves attention and memory

This meth lab diorama entitled "Black Acid Co-op" [installation view] was displayed in 2009 by Jonah Freeman and Justin Lowe.

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Meth Lab Injuries Are Increasing

Makeshift laboratories can cause burns, respiratory problems

New Research

Studies With Shorter Titles Are Cited More Often

Pithier titles may lead to greater impact factors.

Some of the wildlife in Botswana carry bacteria resistant to anti-malarial drugs typically used by tourists

New Research

African Wildlife May Be Acquiring Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria From Nearby Humans

The finding points to ways that 'superbugs' might spread

Cool Finds

These Drum Pants Might Help People Who Can’t Speak

An electronic drum kit could give a voice to some people who can’t talk.

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An Astrobiologist Is Already Fighting For Martian Independence

Should colonists on the Red Planet be free from Earth’s influence from the get-go?

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Some Brands Are Labeling Products “GMO-free” Even if They Don’t Have Genes

More companies are paying to label their food as non-GMO, whether they need it or not.

New Research

Soon, Red Fireworks Might Not Contain Carcinogens Anymore

Scientists discover alternative to cancer-causing chemicals that give red fireworks their color.

Cool Finds

During Prohibition, Vintners Sold "Wine Bricks" Rather Than Wine

Dissolve, ferment, enjoy

New York City, site of the future Climate Museum

Cool Finds

New York City Might Get a Climate Change Museum

The museum will be the first of its kind in the U.S.

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Big Ben is Running Fast

Or is it slow?

Cool Finds

A Woman Just Found a Message in a Bottle From a Century-old Experiment

A German tourist spotted the bottle, which had been intended to measure deep ocean currents

New Research

The Grand Canyon is Full of Mercury

Researchers find high levels of mercury and selenium in plants and animals along the Colorado River

A dead chinook, likely killed by disease, in the Elwha River in Washington

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Drought Could Kill Off Many of the West Coast’s Fish

Fisheries managers are already struggling with low water and disease brought by warmth

Making a historic record—only the third time in the United States—Mei Xiang delivers twins.

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Breeding Pandas Is Incredibly Hard

The National Zoo's newborn panda twins are practically miracles.

The execution of pirates in Hamburg, 1573

Cool Finds

Execution Ballads Once Spread the News of Punishment to the Public

The grisly tunes deliberately pull on emotions to discourage crime

New Research

Putting Eyeballs on Billboards Might Help Stop Crime

The feeling of being watched makes human change their behavior, even if it comes from a poster.

A giant truck carrying tar sand from a mine in Canada

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Utah Has the First Tar Sands Mine in the U.S.

The mine will operate on land in the Book Cliffs area

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A Manhattan-Sized Glacier Chunk Just Broke Off in Greenland

Glacial calving creates monster icebergs

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