Smart News

Cool Finds

Astronauts Have Some Weird Pre-Launch Traditions

Rituals are important when you're about to rocket into space

A vintage Antonov An-2 in Poland.

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North Korea's Military Still Uses Stealth Planes From the 1940s

The An-2 can hover and fly backwards

Cool Finds

How Emojis Could Help People With Food Allergies

Bread emoji. Disappointed face emoji.

Roofs became pleas for help for people and their pets following Hurricane Katrina

Trending Today

How Hurricane Katrina Changed Pets' Legal Status

The loss of thousands of pets to the hurricane encouraged lawmakers to rethink society’s responsibility to animals

Cool Finds

A 13th-Century Sword Is Giving Historians a Headache

The sword's inscription is an 800-year-old mystery

Artist’s view of a black hole — the normal sized kind, mini black holes would be cuter.

New Research

Why Super-Small Black Holes Haven’t Destroyed the Universe

And probably won't

Cool Finds

Scientists Have Been Talking About Greenhouse Gases for 191 Years

The first explorations of the greenhouse effect began in 1824

Sri Lakan Slender Loris

Cool Finds

Why Primatologists Love Collecting Poop

There's intel inside monkey feces — in the form of DNA

Coal power plant in New Mexico

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How Do U.S. Carbon Emissions Rank Internationally?

It's complicated

A mosaic of Mars from Mariner 6 and Mariner 7

Cool Finds

How NASA Dealt With Images of an Alien Planet in the 1960s

The alien planet was Mars and the process was just a bit simpler than it is today

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Why the International Olympic Committee is Worried About Water Quality in Rio

Viruses and bacteria may threaten swimmers in the 2016 summer games

U.S. Marines search for Haitian rebels in 1919.

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The United States Once Invaded and Occupied Haiti

In 1915, American troops began a 19-year, unofficial occupation of the Caribbean nation

Cool Finds

The Science Behind Dogs' Goofy Greetings

Why do dogs go nuts when their owners get home? The answers lie in their DNA and brains

Most kids, even those with autism, don’t need to see this guy’s smile to tell he is happy.

New Research

Kids With Autism Can Read Emotions Through Body Language

A new study challenges the misconception that kids with the disorder lack empathy

New Research

This Robotic Insect Can Jump on Water

Why? Because it’s cool

Trending Today

Hackers Have Figured Out How to Control Smart Rifles

With the right code, hackers can control guns from afar

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Australian Cities Pass Cat Curfews

Fluffy little murderbeasts may soon be kept under lock and key

An actor, playing the role of a vaccine against Ebola, performs at a school in Abidja, Ivory Coast, last September

New Research

Experimental Ebola Vaccine Gives 100 Percent Protection in Trial

An unusual trial design helped prove the vaccine safe and effective in less than a year

New Research

We Crave Comfort Food to Feel Less Alone

This is why you can't stop eating corndogs

Cool Finds

Maine Brewers Are Selling Lobster-Infused Beer

Because of course they are

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