Smart News

The first known photograph of Drosera magnifica.

New Research

No One Knew This Plant Existed Until It Was Posted to Facebook

What's the emoji for "scientific discovery"?

A mother rhino breastfeeding her baby

Cool Finds

Why Mammals Have a Monopoly On Milk

It all started with an egg

Pluto may be home to a hazy atmosphere, nitrogen glaciers and possibly even an underground ocean.

New Research

There's Flowing Ice on Pluto

And maybe an underground ocean

Cerveza Zulia is one of Venezuela's most popular beers and its oldest brewery.

Trending Today

Venezuela Is About to Run Out of Beer

Strict import laws could make Venezuela's taps dry up in just a few weeks

A helicopter being used to fight wildfire

Trending Today

Drones Are Getting in the Way of Firefighters Combating Wilderness Blazes

Firefighters need to take to the air to fight fires, but sometimes that air is just too crowded

A swarm of mayflies in Ontario

Cool Finds

Officials Had to Use A Snowplow to Reclaim a Bridge in Iowa Swarmed by Mayflies

An unusually large emergence of aquatic insects created temporarily hazardous conditions

Dating human remains (such as this 800-year old skeleton found in Bulgaria) often relies on radiocarbon dating

New Research

Climate Change Might Break Carbon Dating

Fossil fuel emissions mess with the ratio of carbon isotopes in the atmosphere

Hair ice found in Skåne County, Sweden.

New Research

Here’s How a Strange Phenomenon Called ‘Hair Ice’ Forms on Dead Trees

The white ice filaments look a lot like cotton candy

New Research

Who Were the First People to Eat Chickens?

A find in Israel shows evidence of chicken consumption from as early as 400 B.C.E.

A stone etching on the grave of crewmember Lt. John Irving depicts the dire conditions that the Franklin expedition faced when they reached the Canadian Arctic.

New Research

Franklin’s Doomed Arctic Expedition Ended in Gruesome Cannibalism

New bone analysis suggests crew resorted to eating flesh, then marrow

Cool Finds

This Fungus Eats the Butts off Cicadas

It’s totally not a big deal, though

Cool Finds

This Video of Lightning in Slow Motion is Strangely Entrancing

Hypnotize yourself with lightning at 2,000 frames per second

Cool Finds

These Drones Hunt Whale Snot

Snotbots will make mucus collection less stressful for whales

With carrot liqueur, one distillery takes a cue from Bugs Bunny

Cool Finds

Carrot Liqueur Could Be Coming to a Cocktail Near You

What’s Next?! Kale?!

Malaria infected blood cells (blue)

Trending Today

The First Malaria Vaccine Could Be Released Soon

The vaccine isn’t as effective as hoped however, and needs several more approvals

New Horizons snapped this parting shot of Pluto on July 15, 2015.

New Horizons Snaps a Final Shot of Pluto

So long, dwarf planet!

The fragments comprise two parchment leaves, written in Hijazi script on sheep or goat skin.

New Research

Carbon Dating Reveals One of the Oldest Known Copies of the Quran

Manuscript fragments found in U.K. library were written between 568 and 645

The Scanadu Scout is just one of the many devices that attempt to act like a real-life tricorder

Cool Finds

A List of All the Times People Have Tried to Build a Working Tricorder

Star Trek-style scanning has been a bit more complicated than expected

New Research

Your Pupils May Expand When You Daydream

But researchers aren’t totally sure why or how the two are connected

Brain tissue infected with Naegleria fowleri glows green.

New Research

Brain-Eating Amoebas May Kill You With Help from Your Own Immune System

The amoeba’s presence in the brain triggers swelling that may do more harm than good

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