Smart News

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Restaurants are Facing an Egg Shortage Thanks to Avian Flu

The outbreak, which spread surprisingly fast, hit farms that produce liquid eggs

Trending Today

About 12,200 People Are Erroneously Declared Dead Every Year by the U.S. Government

Being officially dead because of a typo makes living life difficult

New Research

This Computer Runs on Water

A new class of computers takes advantage of the physical properties of water

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Salty Groundwater is Threatening New Mexico’s Chiles

Drought plus salt equals bad news for a state’s signature crop

Cool Finds

This Film Shows a Glimpse of Amelia Earhart Before Her Final Flight

After 70 years in storage, the footage shows the pilot posing for press photographs

Trending Today

Engine Misfire Jolts the ISS, Shifting its Position

Unexpected engine firing on a Soyuz capsule pushed the station into a different orbit

Cool Finds

How Non-stick Frying Pans Are Made

Spinning the pans helps coatings apply evenly and makes the process hypnotic

Cool Finds

Behind the Scenes at a Tyrannosaurus Rex Dissection

Months of work went into creating a model, life-sized dinosaur for experts to dismember and cut open

New Research

Researchers Are Training Robots Using Minecraft

The popular game helps robots learn real-world skills

Copies of Hitler's Mein Kampf are displayed at a German museum. The controversial manifesto has been banned in Germany since the end of World War II.

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Houghton Mifflin Once Sued Another Publisher on Behalf of Hitler and Mein Kampf

Rival versions of the book once vied for American readers

Cool Finds

How George Washington Did His Hair

Despite the powder and curls it wasn't a wig at all

One of the chalkboards shows a calendar in the process of switching from November 1917 to December — only the month label and the first day apply to the new month.

Cool Finds

100-Year-Old Chalkboards, With Drawings Still Intact, Discovered in Oklahoma School

The find includes lessons on pilgrims, math and music

A handprint from an eight-year-old boy after he came in from playing outside

Cool Finds

Here's What Happens When You Culture the Bacteria on an Eight-Year-Old’s Hand

Lots of cooties grow

Trending Today

Auction House is Selling Decades-Old Slices of Royal Wedding Cake

Boxed slices of wedding cakes from British royals are not-so-edible pieces of history

Two species of mites make their home in the hair follicles on your face.

Cool Finds

Meet the Mites That Live on Your Face

These microscopic organisms live and die on your face

Starting New York Giants catcher John Tortes "Chief" Meyers in an unspecified game against the female team in 1913.

Cool Finds

Amateur Women's Baseball Teams Existed as Early as 1866

They typically challenged local a men’s teams to play

Cool Finds

This is What it Looks Like When a GoPro Falls From Space

SpaceX put a camera in a payload fairing for its Falcon 9 rocket


There's Only One Way to Make a Dark 'n' Stormy Without Breaking the Law

The cocktail has a surprising, and litigious history

Trending Today

The Most Popular Eating Banana Might Soon Go Extinct

The Cavendish banana is succumbing to a disease that wiped out its predecessor

Cool Finds

Visit the Pacific’s Deepest Hydrothermal Vents With Underwater Robots

Researchers spotted the vents nearly 12,500 feet beneath the surface during an expedition mapping the floor of the Pescadero Basin

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