Smart News

Cool Finds

Is the Curiosity Rover Behind Weird Methane Readings on Mars?

The debate over methane is causing a stink among scientists

Like many ancient statues, this Medusa is missing a nose

Cool Finds

A Museum Keeps The Fake Noses That Once Replaced Those Missing on Ancient Sculptures

The exhibit is a testament to art restoration’s changing values

A man cools off using a water pipe at a train station in Allahabad, India.

Trending Today

A Heat Wave Has Killed Over 1,100 People in India

Scorching temperatures are having a disproportionate affect on the poor

The Egtved girl was a high-born female from the Bronze Age. In her grave in Denmark, she wears a wool dress. Wool textiles and a bronze belt plate that resembles the sun surround her remains.

Cool Finds

What Was Life Like for a Girl in the Bronze Age?

Analysis of a 3,400-year-old burial traces the life story of a Bronze Age female

Detail of "Apollo at the Forge of Vulcan" by Velázquez

Cool Finds

3D Copies of Art Let the Blind Experience Classic Works in New Ways

In this museum, touching the paintings is allowed

Cool Finds

Take a Drone Tour of Ancient History

Drones offer a soaring perspective of ancient sites

The original Pac-Man was kind of a feminist.

Pac-Man Turns 35 This Month

The now-iconic game was originally released by Namco in 1980

A satellite photo of the 2011-12 eruption that created  Sholan island in the Red Sea.

New Research

Watch a Volcanic Island Form in the Red Sea

Magma troughs and earthquake swarms gave rise to two new islands near Yemen

A glacier in Svaldbard

Cool Finds

As Glaciers Retreat, They Give up the Bodies and Artifacts They Swallowed

Around the world global warming is exposing bodies lost in glaciers

Cool Finds

This Surfboard Maps Waves and Gathers Ocean Data for Researchers

Sensors would make surfers into citizen scientists

Trending Today

A Volcano In the Galapagos Islands Is Threatening Precious Species

Pink iguanas, marine life could be harmed by lava flows on Isabela Island

Cool Finds

Watch How an Expert Spots Fraudulent Wine

Distinctive labels and corks mark the truly valuable vintages

Trending Today

Today’s Google Doodle Honors Sally Ride

Five animations show the first American woman astronaut's sense of fun

Unearthed at the Cova Negra site in Spain, skull fragments from a Neanderthal child have telltale punctures in the right parietal region.

New Research

Ancient Carnivores Had a Taste for Neanderthal Meat

Researchers link bite marks on a Neanderthal skull to the fangs of an ancient big cat

Researchers collected this mixture of plankton – small zooplanktonic animals, larvae and single cell protists – in the Pacific Ocean with a 0.1 mm mesh net.

New Research

How Will Climate Change Impact Plankton?

A global plankton survey aims to help us understand how the tiny organisms that live at the ocean surface will fare in a warming world

Cool Finds

Watch a Baby Bee Go From Wriggly Larvae to Adult in Just Over a Minute

From larvae to adult thanks to the magic of timelapse photography

Healthy ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus)

Cool Finds

This Beer Was Brewed to Save Sea Stars

A new ale sends some proceeds to research on sea star wasting syndrome

Mountains don't all look like this.

New Research

Most Mountains Don't Come With Pointy Peaks

Some mountains actually get wider as you go up

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, pictured here in 1923, enjoyed using the methods of Sherlock Holmes on real cases.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Once Helped Clear an Innocent Man of Murder

On his birthday, revist the mystery author's most famous case

A guard patrolling the ruins of Nimrud in 1995

Trending Today

Cyber-archeology May be the Way to Remember Artifacts Destroyed by Militants

Digitally saving 3D models is the only way to offset some lost cultural artifacts

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