Smart News

New Research

Most American Babies are Born in the Morning

Medical interventions may determine time of birth, says new study

American chestnut seed

New Research

Turning the American Chestnut into a GMO Might be the Only Way to Save it

Adding wheat genes could help the tree fight off blight

This chocolate may look fine, but it’s just a few steps away from disaster

New Research

X-Rays Reveal Why Old Chocolate Turns White

Liquid fat turns out to be the culprit

Trending Today

Starbucks Moves its Bottled Water Operations Out of California’s Drought

Bottling water in California might not be a great idea, but many companies still do it

Cool Finds

‘Captain Kidd’s Treasure’ Has Finally Been Discovered

Archaeologist hope their discovery of a 121-pound bar of silver is just the beginning

New Research

The Last Wooly Mammoths Died Isolated and Alone

Genome sequencing shows severe inbreeding contributed to the mammoths’ extinction.

New Research

How to Crash a Drone, Safely

It’s time to teach drones how to safely land in an emergency.

Cool Finds

Dogs are Still the Best Way to Find a Corpse

Man’s best friend is better than any machine when it comes to finding dead bodies.

New Research

Germans and Americans Agree That They're Allies, Disagree On Why

A new survey shows differing opinions on foreign policy and the importance of historical events

Cool Finds

Seventy Years Ago Today, Queen Elizabeth Secretly Partied with Commoners

Before she became Elizabeth II, the then-princess slipped into London's streets incognito to celebrate Europe's victory over Germany

Armor from the Old Arsenal Museum (Altes Zeughaus) in Solothurn, Switzerland

Cool Finds

Here’s How to Fight Wearing 15th Century Armor

Experts demonstrate some moves in a video while wearing full suits of plate armor

A drawing by explorer John Cleves as he mapped the northern poles.

Cool Finds

John Quincy Adams Was an Ardent Supporter of Exploration

The president planned to fund an expedition to the South Pole and South Pacific, but the research trip was canceled by his successor, Andrew Jackson

Cool Finds

A Streak in the Sky: Photographer Captures an Incredible Time-lapse Image of the Moon

Janne Voutilainen's photo took nearly 40 minutes to shoot

Cool Finds

Here's How to Make Harper Lee’s Crackling Cornbread

The recipe is offered with a side serving of dry wit

Cool Finds

Ancient Pit Home Unearthed in a Salt Lake City Suburb

Spear points and other artifacts found in the 1,500-year-old home

Cool Finds

Was the Loch Ness Monster Inspired by Earthquakes?

Just one of many monsters that might have geological origins.

New Research

The First GMO Is 8,000 Years Old

Scientists find that bacteria modified DNA in sweet potatoes millennia ago

Cool Finds

Probiotics Exist Thanks to a Man Who Drank Cholera

One man’s obsession with the immune system led to today’s probiotic fad

New Research

Reading Harry Potter Might Make You a Better Person

Young readers who identify with the Boy Who Lived may grow up to be more tolerant.

Cool Finds

Labyrinths in Prisons and Hospitals Might Actually Help People Relax

Labyrinths are experiencing a revival

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