Smart News

Cool Finds

These Magic Toothbrushes Work Without Toothpaste

A new brush—and an old one, too—that don't rely on possibly harmful pastes to make your smile shine

Watercolor illustration of a pony express rider

Trending Today

The Pony Express Was Short-Lived And Costly

The service only lasted 18 months, but became an important icon of the West

Cool Finds

Fish Can Adjust Gender Balance in Face of Rising Temperatures

Warmer waters mean fewer female reef fish. But, over generations, populations can restore the balance.

The blobs, colored to show motion, are G2 as it approaches and passes the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy

New Research

Escape From the Black Hole’s Abyss!

An object called G2—previously believed to be a gas cloud—narrowly slipped from the clutches of a supermassive black hole

Trending Today

New York City Ran a Slave Market

New marker will acknowledge the bustling slave trade that helped build New York

Urban Explorations

Tour the Theater Where Lincoln Was Assassinated on Google Street View

150 years later, a new view of Ford’s Theatre

New Research

Rover May Have Found a Water Source for Humans on Mars

Data collected from the Curiosity rover suggests liquid water could be harvested from Martian soil

Cool Finds

How Rum Helped the U.S. Win Its Independence

Rum may was a key player in America's revolutionary days

Trending Today

These Were 2014’s Most Challenged Books

Native Americans, Iran and gay penguins top the American Library Association’s Top Ten List of Frequently Challenged Books

New Research

Here Are the Places Most at Risk of a Volcanic Explosion

New research will help countries prepare

New Research

Nine Out of Ten Americans Consider Themselves Middle Class

In a day and age when teens are tasked with picking multimillion dollar dream homes, it's not hard to see why

Cool Finds

A Smart Algorithm Looked at 16 Billion Emails, And Here Is What It Learned

When you respond to an email, you mirror the sender's email style

Conceptual image of Cancer cells with red blood cells

New Research

Sound Waves Could Help Find Elusive Cancer Cells

Researchers have developed a new device that could help determine the presence of tumor cells circulating in the bloodstream

Trending Today

How Much Water Does it Take to Grow America's Favorite Foods?

From beef to beer, here's how the numbers stack up

New Research

What Would Closing the Wage Gap Mean?

The effects for single moms and racial minorities would be particularly significant

This pyramid in Lima, Peru was built by the Wari civilization, who pre-dated the Incas. Now Lima is proposing using another Wari innovation, a series of waterways called 'amunas,' to stem the city's ongoing water crisis.

Cool Finds

Ancient Tech Could Help Solve Lima’s Water Crisis

Turns out Peru’s Wari people were excellent urban planners...and their 1,500-year-old 'amunas' could soon bring water to Lima

New Research

Ocean Acidification Could Have Driven Earth’s Biggest Mass Extinction

Study shows the world's oceans were dangerously acidic during the Permian Extinction Event

Trending Today

Mountaineers Are Taking a New Route Up Everest

They’ll forge their path sans sherpas or oxygen tanks

New Research

Yes, Facebook is Making You Sad

Stop comparing your life to flattering photos and carefully-crafted status updates

New Research

Changes in California’s Roadkill Linked to State’s Drought

The California Roadkill Observation System studies wildlife by mapping out crowd-sourced roadkill sightings

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