Smart News

New Research

Here’s Why the Dutch Are So Tall

A new study shows natural selection is alive and well in the Netherlands

Cool Finds

Colorado Lake Teems with Feral Goldfish

Parks and Wildlife thinks a goldfish owner dumped his pets into a local lake. Now a few years later, the fish swarm the water in thousands

Trending Today

These Mud Figures Fight Injustice

“Figures” challenges British austerity policies—and an artist’s physical endurance

The observatory atop Mauna Kea

Trending Today

Hawaiians Are Protesting Construction of the World’s Largest Telescope

Native Hawai'ian activists say the volcano-top project is damaging sacred lands

New Research

Northern Europeans Were Not So Sold on Farming

A new study of ancient beads shows “an enduring cultural boundary” between northern and southern Europe during the Neolithic Age

Cool Finds

A Plan for a Robot Who Can Impersonate Your Mom

Google has a patent for artificial intelligence with a personality -- and that patent might not be a good idea

Trending Today

Court Rules Navy Noise Causes Too Much Harm to Marine Mammals

A federal judge declares the National Marine Fisheries Service did not do its job to protect dolphins and whales

Cool Finds

This Little Kid Discovered a Dinosaur

A rare nodosaur has been found in a little boy

New Research

Study Suggests Thinking Less Is Key to Faster Learning

New research shows sometimes our own brains get in the way of acquiring new skills


How Did an Ottoman War Camel End Up in an Austrian Basement?

Archaeologists think they have solved the mystery

New Research

Here's Why You Wince at Wasabi

The structure will help researchers understand pain— and create drugs that could suppress it.

New Research

Teen Pregnancies Have Hit an All-Time Low

But teens still aren’t opting for the most effective forms of birth control

Who wouldn't love that face?

New Research

Lady Wolf Spiders Use Silk to Flirt

Counter to the common wisdom, it’s not just males that do the pursuing

Trending Today

Meet Your New Favorite Font

Haas Unica, Helvetica’s long-lost sibling, is back after 30 years in obscurity

New Research

The Sun Has Seasons

And you thought it was just "hot"

Cool Finds

Paintings Have Become Increasingly Blue

Move over, orange: modern art is all about hues of blue

Drones to Plant 1 Billion Seeds in a Year (Hopefully)

Reforestation by machines is cool, but it won’t save the planet


Cool Finds

Meet a Hermit Crab Who Has Shacked Up in a Lego

Weird things can become home sweet home when you are a tiny soft crustacean

The newfound ruins could outshine their neighbor, the underground city of Derinkuyu (pictured).

Cool Finds

Archaeologists Unfold World's Largest Underground City in Turkey

Archaeologists find evidence to believe a site just discovered in 2012 could be a complex subsurface labyrinth

New Research

70 Percent of Western Canada’s Glaciers Will Disappear by 2100

And that’s the conservative side of scientists’ ice melt projections

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