Smart News

New Research

Yet Another Reason Not to Smoke: It Gives Superbugs Superpowers

Antibiotic resistant bacteria even more resistant in the presence of cigarette smoke

A shaman collects roots to prepare ayahuasca in Iquitos, Peru.

New Research

Amazonian Hallucinogen Could Be an Antidepressant

Drinking Ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic tea, could change the concentration serotonin in the brain

This "Stars and Stripes" toadfish living in Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan is one member of a very noisy kind of fish

New Research

At Night, Fish Communicate With Special Calls, Whistles and Grunts

Dropping a hydrophone into an underwater cave helps researchers make sense of the din

Trending Today

Cash-Strapped Museums are Selling Their Art

Faced with budget cuts and debt, museums turn to “deaccessioning”

Trending Today

Urchins Could Be the Next Victim of Sea Star Wasting Disease

The virus that has struck out Pacific sea star populations could now be affecting their Echinoderm cousins

New Research

Male Mice Sing Sexy Songs to Woo Females

New research shows that mice can change their mating songs according to context

Trending Today

Could NASA Stop on the Moon on the Way to Mars?

NASA's chief of human exploration thinks we'll need a pit stop en route to the fiery planet

Army Avrocars depicted as "flying jeeps" in company literature

Early Flying Machines Were Just Weird

There’s a reason most designs didn’t stick around

Trending Today

High Schoolers Might Code Rather Than Speak French

But proponents of foreign language schooling aren’t pleased

New Research

Here’s How Europeans Quickly Evolved Lighter Skin

Darker skinned people lived in Europe until fairly recently

Strawberries growing in hoop houses

Trending Today

Most Plastic Trash Comes From Farms

Here's what they're trying to do about it

Trending Today

An Autonomous Car Just Completed a 3,400-Mile Road Trip

Delphi’s robo-car drove itself across 15 states in just nine days

New Research

A Sixth Sense Could Help the Blind "See"

In a new study, blind rats could get around by directly incorporating geomagnetic information

Cool Finds

Saturday’s Lunar Eclipse Will Be The Shortest This Century

Will you spot this weekend's "blood moon"?

Cool Finds

Test Tube Burgers Get a $324,989 Price Cut

The scientists behind lab-grown meat think they can soon offer it at a price most of us can actually afford

Cool Finds

NYC Has So Many Coyotes Living There, They've Started Going to Bars

New York's urban coyote population is booming — this week, one even ended up on top of a Long Island bar.

The historic 1910 Fiat S76 rides!

Cool Finds

A Racing Car Built in 1910 Roars to Life Once More

It was unofficially the fastest car in its time and still impresses today

Cool Finds

A Group of Endangered Orcas Has Gotten Busy Making Babies

Southern Resident killer whales have been on the decline, but new babies bring hope for the future

Three new proposed cone snail species (L-R): Conus carlottae, Conus garrisoni and Conus bellacoensis, under regular light (top) and ultraviolet light (middle) and with colors reversed to approximate how they would have appeared (bottom)

New Research

UV Light Reveals the Colors of Fossil Shells

Patterns made visible help a researcher discover 13 new species of ancient cone snails

Cool Finds

Here’s What the Apostles Ate at the Last Supper

Beans, charoset, and unleavened bread

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