Smart News

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California’s Drought Is Changing the Way Bay-Area Water Tastes And Smells

The Bay Area’s water is still safe to use, but drought is causing a noxious algae bloom to affect tap water

Cool Finds

Why the ESA’s Astronauts Train Underground

The European Space Agency is applying protocols from the International Space Station in caves

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3D Printing Could Help Developing Countries Predict Natural Disasters

The development of more affordable, 3D printed equipment could save lives

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Houston, We Might Have Some Major Problems Making Babies in Space

From risky pregnancies to birth defects to problems with inbreeding, it just seems like a bad idea

Cool Finds

This Onion Will Never Make You Cry

A Japanese food company has designed an onion that won't make you cry

Screenshot from "Macro Timelapse" at Natural Recall

Cool Finds

Growing Plants Have Never Looked So Gruesome

All it takes is a slight shift of perspective to realize plants are far from inanimate

Cool Finds

Isaac Newton’s Laundry List of Sin

The famous physicist kept a catalog of very human transgressions

New Research

This Ancient Egyptian Masterpiece Might Be Fake

“Egypt’s Mona Lisa” is likely a sham

New Research

Found: The Bacteria That Are Making You Stink

Scientists have finally discovered the culprit behind smelly armpits

New Research

There's New Information About Anne Frank's Death

New research challenges the notion that if the Frank sisters had lived a few days more, they’d have survived the war

New Research

Scientists Predict Obesity Rates by Examining Sewage Microbes

The microbial makeup of a city's sewage can indicate its population's physique

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There Are Communities of People Who Call Themselves Vampires

"Their self-described nature begins to manifest around or just after puberty"

Trending Today

Spending Too Much Time on Homework Linked to Lower Test Scores

A new study suggests the benefits to homework peak at an hour a day. After that, test scores decline.

Cool Finds

Men and Women See Things Differently (No, Literally)

Color perception may actually have something to do with gender

New Research

As We Get Older We Get More Tolerant of Discordant Music

Hearing loss isn’t the only thing that changes our music perception as we age

New Research

Population Growth Can Warm a City As Much As Climate Change

Urbanization in California's Central Valley could raise local temperatures an extra one to two degrees Celcius

New Research

Turns Out Urine Isn’t Actually Sterile

New research debunks the myth that urine doesn’t contain bacteria…and calls traditional lab techniques into question

New Research

This Nasty Medieval Remedy Kills MRSA

An ancient brew could lead to modern-day drugs to fight the superbug

New Research

Pandas Actually Hang Out Together

GPS tracking data sheds light on giant pandas secretive societies

New Research

Crossing Your Fingers Could Reduce Pain (No Lie)

Researchers find the spatial arrangement of our digits affects the sensations they feel

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