Smart News

New Research

Americans Can’t Agree on What Shapes Health

New research shows that Americans think a broad variety of factors can make us sick

A TV tower on Burnt Island in Fife, Scotland, reaches just 410 feet -- but others of its kind top 2,000

Cool Finds

The Fourth Tallest Man-made Structure Isn’t a Building at All

TV towers and power station chimneys are some less well-known record-breakers in the history of super-tall structures

A nine-banded armadillo.

Trending Today

How Armadillos Can Spread Leprosy

These tank-like creatures are the only animals besides us known to carry leprosy

Cool Finds

Someone Found Chris Hadfield’s Flight Suit in a Thrift Store

The astronaut isn’t sure how his suit made its way to a Toronto second-hand shop

New Research

Popular Music Changed the Most in 1964

Scientists use genomic data to show how pop music evolves

Spanish cruise ship 'Gemini' enters Havana Harbor. Americans are now legally able to book a cruise to Havana through a Canadian cruise line.

Trending Today

It's Now Legal to Book a Cruise to Cuba

A Canadian cruise line is allowing Americans to legally book a trip around Cuba

New Research

Allergy Treatments Could Someday Start Before You Are Born

Studies in mice are showing that it might be possible treat disorders that have a genetic basis during pregnancy

Victor Hugo with friends during his exile to Guernsey

Cool Finds

Victor Hugo Also Created Dramatic Pen and Ink Drawings

The sketches, many done with pen and ink, are almost modern and surreal

On March 3, 1939, Harvard freshman Lothrop Withington, Jr., swallows a, live, squirming goldfish to win a ten dollar bet. He reportedly practiced the feat for days before by swallowing baby goldfish and tadpoles.

Cool Finds

The Great Goldfish Swallowing Craze of 1939 Never Really Ended

A Harvard undergrad’s $10 bet set off a sensation among college students that still echoes on the Internet today

Two spots shine like beacons from the dwarf planet Ceres

Trending Today

The Dawn Spacecraft Is About to Reach Its Next Destination—the Dwarf Planet Ceres

We might just learn what the mysterious bright spots on the dwarf planet are—and much more

New Research

Statisticians Reveal the Best Place to Wait Out a Zombie Apocalypse

You’ll want to head for the Rocky Mountains

Trending Today

Would You Live in an Antarctic Penguin Post Office?

Applications soar at post office in Port Lockroy, Antarctica

New Research

Sharks Have Scary-Good Memories

New research on one species reveals an astounding ability to learn complex tricks and remember them for at least a year

Trending Today

Adultery Is Now Legal in South Korea

62 years after the passage of a morality law, spouses can’t be prosecuted for extramarital affairs

Trending Today

The FCC Just Voted to Preserve Net Neutrality

FCC passes “Preserving the Open Internet” rules by 3-2 vote

Cool Finds

This Is How New Words Enter the Vernacular of ASL

Selfie, photobomb and five-second rule all have signs in progress

New Research

Like People, Bees Can Be Fooled by False Memories

Bumblebees gravitate toward unfamiliar flowers that merge two patterns they know—a classic error of long term memory

Trending Today

How One Doctor Proposes to Conduct the First Human Head Transplant

An Italian neuroscientists says that the surgery could be ready in as few as two years, but the scientific community remains very skeptical

Trending Today

Germans Brace for the Re-Release of ‘Mein Kampf’

Is Hitler’s 90-year-old manifesto too dangerous to be on bookshelves?

This image of a Martian sunset was captured in 2005.

Cool Finds

Watch the Sunset from Mars

Opportunity rover helps capture a hauntingly blue view of nightfall on the Red Planet

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