Smart News

A cross section of a polymetalic deep sea nodule of manganese and cobalt discovered on a previous expedition.

Cool Finds

An Underwater Field of Weird Metal Balls Is a Key to Both Past And Future

A huge deposit of manganese nodules beneath the Atlantic might be a potential source of highly prized rare earth metals

New Research

This Teeny Chair Can Assemble Itself

A tiny prototype developed at MIT marks one of the first steps into a world where we’ll never need an Allen wrench again

Trending Today

Finally, the First Fish Ever Is Taken Off the Endangered Species List

The recovery of a tiny fish signals good news for area waterways and proof that, when heeded, protective measures can make a difference

These fragmented black lines are actually seagulls flying

Cool Finds

See the Swoops of Seagulls’ Flight Patterns

Special video effects shows more than an hours worth of seagull flight as curling paths

Trending Today

Grizzlies in Yellowstone Are Already Waking Up

Warm weather has drawn at least one bear out of hibernation and in search of food

New Research

Is DNA the Solution for Permanent Data Storage?

New study uses “synthetic fossils” to store data for the ages

A visitor to MoMA views Jackson Pollock's painting "One (Number 31, 1950)"

Cool Finds

A Computer Can Tell Real Jackson Pollocks From Fakes

Genuine Pollacks really are distinguishable from random splatters of paint—there's now software to prove it

A view from São Paolo's depleted Cantareira Reservoir.

Trending Today

São Paulo is Running Low on Water

What will happen when Brazil’s taps go dry?

The common ancestor of this Gentoo penguin likely evolved to be incapable of tasting most flavors—but why?

New Research

The Cold May Have Cost Penguins Most of Their Taste Buds

Recent genetic analysis shows that penguins can’t taste sweet or bitter, and scientists think sub-zero temps may be to blame

Cool Finds

The Inventor Who Has Developed a Sweet-Smelling "Fart Pill"

One eccentric French man wants to take the guilt out of gas with a tablet designed to make farts smell like flowers, ginger or chocolate

New Research

Is Our Universe Supersymmetric?

Scientists hope the rebooted Large Hadron Collider could find supersymmetric particles—the next frontier of particle physics

An artist’s interpretation of the star quartet — as a young star and three gas condensations on the left and as star siblings on the right.

New Research

Stars Have Womb Siblings

Four baby stars, still gestating in their parental gas cloud, move together - for now at least

Cool Finds

Get Ready for a Taste of the Byzantine Empire’s Favorite Wine

Scientists hope the discovery of 1,500-year-old grape seeds may help resurrect the historically famous “Wine of the Negev”

Trending Today

'Presidents’ Day' Doesn't Actually Exist

Despite what furniture stores and car dealerships tell you, officially, we’re really just celebrating George Washington’s birthday

A slave cabin at Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate in Virginia.

Trending Today

George Washington Used Legal Loopholes to Avoid Freeing His Slaves

One of his slaves fled to New Hampshire to escape becoming a wedding present

"From two to three hours after or before eating a full meal, is the proper time for this business."

Cool Finds

19th-Century Sexual Advice: No Sex Before Meals

The rest of the tips are even farther from any sort of modern scientific basis

Not the new self-driving car

Trending Today

Britain’s First Driverless Car Stays on the Sidewalk

The car's 15 mile-per-hour speed limit keeps things safe

Trending Today

Jailing People Has Little Effect on Crime Levels

At some point, the data indicates, more people in prison doesn’t translate to fewer crimes

New Research

Teachers Give Lower Math Scores to Girls

Teachers’ unconscious beliefs in the aptitude of boys over girls come out when grading math tests

Cool Finds

Men Care More About Having Fancy Kitchens Than Women Do

A survey of prospective homebuyers reverses certain stereotypes about gendered desires

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