Smart News

New Research

You Eat Millions...Even Billions!...of Microbes Every Day

Yes, plenty of live microorganisms lurk in your yogurt, but they are everywhere else as well

A recreation of the test that led to Louis Slotin's accident

Cool Finds

After WWII, Scientists Conducted Deadly Tests With an Unexploded Nuclear Bomb Core

Physicist Richard Feynman called the tests "tickling the tail of a sleeping dragon"

Cool Finds

Get Set Up With a Family in NYC for Christmas

Don’t be sad at the prospect of spending the holiday alone, a popular photoblog will match you up with a family

New Research

Even A/C Can't Keep Our Economies From Slacking Off on Hot Days

As global warming turns up the temperature on the planet, it's going to be tougher to get anything done

Trending Today

Vinyl Producers Can’t Keep Up With Hipsters’ Demands

Vinyl is cool again, but will it last?

Cuban Fruit peddlers stopped along Malecon Sea drive in Havana, to peddle their wares: Mangos, melons, and pineapples. March 30, 1949,

Trending Today

Back When Americans Could Travel Freely to Cuba, Here's What It Looked Like

The U.S. broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1960

Fat cells.

New Research

Now We Know Where Fat Goes When We Lose Weight

We breathe it out

New Research

The Cutest Climate Change Culprits: Arctic Ground Squirrels

By digging burrows in permafrost, Arctic ground squirrels help destabilize the vast stores of carbon in the soil

Cool Finds

America's Best Butter Is Handchurned in Vermont

The price for perfection is $49 per pound

New Research

When Sperm Meets Egg, Zinc Sparks Fly

Billions of tiny zinc particles explode from the surface of mammalian eggs when a sperm cell touches down

Cool Finds

The Turing Test of Computer Intelligence Is Too Easy

To better test our computer programs’ intelligence, we should to ask them for stories and drawings

New Research

Why the Pantheon Hasn’t Crumbled

Ancient Roman concrete has some benefits over modern equivalents

Cool Finds

Making Dead People's Pulses Beat Again

A new device can transform 150-year-old printed representations of heart beats into actual sound

A composite chart depicting the Arctic Ocean sea floor.

Trending Today

Now the Danes Have Staked a Claim for the North Pole, Too

The ultimate decision over who controls the North Pole will come down to the United Nations

New Research

Pollution Is Turning the Taj Mahal Brown

Workers must periodically cover the Taj Mahal in clay to remove the pollutants stuck to its marble walls

New Research

You Wobble Like No Other Person on the Planet

Analysis of the frame movements in footage from head-mounted cameras is just as unique as a fingerprint

A torture chamber at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

New Research

A Better Way Than Torture to Obtain Information: Acting Friendly

Friendly methods get information from suspects faster and more reliably, oh and they don't violate human rights

The view out of the Soyuz window.

Cool Finds

If You Looked Out the Window While Returning From Space, Here’s What You’d See

The bright glow of friction in Earth's atmosphere

Only 5 Northern White Rhinos remain. A powerful image of three of them under guard by Kate Brooks.

Trending Today

There Are Probably Just Five Northern White Rhinos Left

The death of a captive rhino at the San Diego Zoo brings the species closer to imminent extinction

A 2013 view of a channel in the middle section of China’s South-North Water Diversion project

Trending Today

China Just Opened the World's Largest Water Diversion Project

An unprecedented engineering project sends water to China’s parched North

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