Smart News


New Research

Bad Hangover? Blame It (Partly) On Your Parents

Susceptibility to hangovers is partly due to genetics

Wolf hunt in 1930

New Research

Killing Wolves Actually Leads to More Livestock Deaths

On the surface, killing wolves that kill sheep and cattle seems like a way to control predation, but the data paints a not-so-simple picture

A sonar view looking down on part of the 345 foot-long SS City of Rio de Janeiro

Cool Finds

Found: The Wreckage of the SS City of Rio de Janeiro, the “Bay Area’s Titanic”

The maritime disaster was the worst in Bay Area history

One of the line items in the new budget is funding for a mission to Jupiter's moon Europa.

Trending Today

NASA Could Actually Get a Budget Boost Next Year

The pending budget will give NASA even more money than they asked for

Cool Finds

The Library for Magicians Is Taking Appointments

The Conjuring Arts Research Center in New York City houses some of the world's rarest books on the art of deception

Trending Today

Chances Are Your Supermarket Tomatoes Were Picked By Mexican Workers Living in Terrible Conditions

An investigation reveals practices in Mexican farm labor camps that resemble slavery

New Research

Christmas Research Papers Tackle Goofy Problems in Medicine

The British Medical Journal's holiday issue includes an investigation of old magazines in waiting rooms and finds that men can be idiots

New Research

In the Past 40 Years, 105 City Neighborhoods Gentrified; 2,000 Slipped Further Into Poverty

America's Move Toward Concentrated Poverty

New Research

Scientists Finally Figure Out the “Big Bang” of Bird Evolution

The genomes of 45 birds contributed to the most in-depth bird evolutionary tree ever created

Ice from a glacier

Cool Finds

Backpackers Walk Across a Completely Clear Frozen Lake

A cool video raises the question: Why is most ice cloudy?

Hunters in 1910 pose with their new bear arms

Trending Today

More Americans Are Pro-Gun Than Pro-Gun Control

Americans prioritize gun rights over gun control for the first time in at least 20 years

New Research

Superbugs Could Become a Top Cause of Death by 2050

If left unchecked, antibiotic-resistant bacteria could kill more people than cancer by 2050

New Research

Conserving Tigers Could Hurt Leopards

When one predator returns, another can be displaced

Port Fourchon, a seaport and hub for the petroleum industry on the marshy coast south of New Orleans

Trending Today

The Plan to Save Louisiana's Coast Is a 'Moon Shot'

The plan involves moving silt from upstream down into the delta—but no one knows if there's actually enough

New Research

By Absorbing Smells From Its Food, This Fish Gets Scent Camouflage

The harlequin filefish is a master of camoufalge

New Research

You've Never Seen Nerve Endings Like These

Scientists produce the most detailed images of nerve endings ever made

New Research

Typhoons Saved 13th Century Japan From Invasion

Geologic evidence supports historic accounts of the great "Kamikaze" of 1274 and 1281

The town of Portelo, in the shadow of the Pico do Fogo volcano, is now all but gone.

Trending Today

A Volcano on Cape Verde Is Wiping Out Whole Towns

An eruption at the Pico do Fogo volcano has forced 1,200 people to evacuate

New Research

Online Students Give Better Reviews to Professors They Think Are Male

Even if the teachers were actually women, if the students thought they were men, the bias stuck

The Mars Rover Curiosity’s landing site in Gale Crater

New Research

Curiosity Rover’s Mars Crater May Have Cradled Large Lakes

Signs of water on Mars aren’t new, but now scientists think water may have been there for a long time

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