Smart News


Cool Finds

TGI Fridays Has Dispatched Mistletoe-Carrying Drones in Restaurants

There's already been one collision between drone and human

Cool Finds

These Adorable Robot Toys Teach Kids How to Code

The two bots using a basic visual language, and they are just one way to introduce children to computer programming

You're not fooling anyone, vegan sausage.

New Research

Most Vegetarians Lapse After Only a Year

The vast majority of vegetarians return to eating meat

U.S. President Barack Obama participates in an "Hour of Code" event with middle-school students including Adrianna Mitchell in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House in Washington, D.C.

Trending Today

The First Piece of Code Written by an American President

The President participated in an introductory coding workshop as part of Computer Science Education Week

Cool Finds

Dreams Are Slow-Motion

Lucid dreamers are offering insight into the sleeping mind

Sergeant Tanzanika Carter of the BART police force wears a body camera in San Francisco, CA

Trending Today

Body Cameras Help Police

An in-depth investigation of five cities using police body cameras highlights what the technology addresses and what it doesn’t


Cool Finds

Norwegian Nobel Winners Release Their Inner Avant-Garde Musicians

Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine repurposed a Norse folk tune for a science lecture

New Research

California's Ongoing Drought Is Its Worst in 1,200 Years

Tree ring records unveil the severity of California's drought

Trending Today

Someone Walked Off With a Picasso From a Miami Beach Art Festival

An $85,000 silver plate went missing late last week

Cool Finds

The Science of the Red Sea's Parting

It is physically and scientifically possible for a body of water to part

An illustration of the marriage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert on February 10, 1840.

Cool Finds

Queen Victoria Dreamed Up the White Wedding Dress in 1840

For most people, wearing a white wedding dress wasn't really a thing until the 1950s

Lettuce is fine, just eat something else as well.

Trending Today

That Detox Diet Is Not Going to Rid Your Body of Toxins

It doesn't matter how many pureed veggies you drink, they won't vaporize those mysterious "poisons" you've heard about

Cool Finds

It’s Possible to See Exoplanets Without Schmancy Equipment

A cheap DSLR and some light computer processing can unveil far off exoplanets

New Research

Like Underwater Jedi, Electric Eels Can Remotely Control Other Fish

Electric eels can shock prey into both revealing their positions and freezing in place

Trending Today

Creep Through Albert Einstein’s Love Letters

The Digital Einstein archive offers a look into the great physicist's writings

The United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy Rocket lifts off with the Orion spacecraft for its first test flight

Trending Today

A Successful First Flight For NASA's Orion Spacecraft

American spaceflight enters a new era

A bleached coral reef

New Research

Listen to the Sounds of a Dying Coral Reef

Healthy coral reefs produce a medley of sounds that ocean creatures use as homing beacons

A steel engraving of Walt Whitman in his 30s from the first edition of Leaves of Grass, published in 1855.

Cool Finds

Found in "Penny Papers" from the 1800s, A Lost Walt Whitman Poem

A professor at the University of Nebraska stumbled upon an ode to Whitman’s contemporary William Cullen Bryant

A humpback whale in waters off southern Oman.

New Research

Humpback Whales in the Arabian Sea Have Been Isolated for 70,000 Years

Conservationists want this particular population of humpbacks to be classified as critically endangered

New Research

Bats Have Specific Brains Cells for Tracking Their Location While in Flight

Humans likely carry the same kind of cells in our own brains

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