Smart News

frame from Winnie-the-Pooh part 1 (1969)

Cool Finds

Russia Has Its Own Classic Version of an Animated Winnie-the-Pooh

Three short films produced from 1969 through 1972 follow the adventures of A.A. Milne's characters

New Amsterdam, Now New York, on the Island of Manhattan by Johannes Vinckeboons

Cool Finds

New Amsterdam's First Laws: Drink Less, Fight Less

New Amsterdam was controlled by the Dutch from 1624 to 1664

New Research

Why Do Families Move for Men's, But Not Women's, Careers?

Men choose jobs that are less flexible in location

New Research

Older People’s Brains Notice More But Filter Less

A small study shows that elderly people notice patterns even when those patterns aren’t useful

Trending Today

Girl Scouts Can Now Sell Cookies Online

But you'll still need to interact with a real, live Girl Scout to gain digital access to their cookies

Cool Finds

Computers Write Novels Faster Than You Do

Silicon chips don't suffer writer's block

Cool Finds

There's an Airbnb for Fields in England

In the U.K., you can rent a field for weddings, concerts, sports matches or simply your own enjoyment

Cool Finds

Experts Have No Idea Who This Roman God Is

A recently unearthed carving combines Roman and Mesopotamian elements but may represent a god from an even earlier time

Trending Today

A 15-Minute Test to Diagnose Ebola Is Going Into Use in West Africa

Speeding up detection would help everyone get where they need to be

A MONIAC at Roosevelt College, pictured with economics professor Abba P. Lerner

Cool Finds

This Computer From 1949 Runs on Water

Computers at the time didn’t have displays; one economics student created a visualization using water-filled tanks and tubes

You can't spend your way out of this one, America

Trending Today

NASA Is Turning Black Friday Into "Black Hole Friday"

Because, in the end, even great savings won't save you from a singularity

A Civil War historical re-enactment at Tunnel Hill, Georgia

Cool Finds

A Nurse Describes the Smell of the Civil War

The overpowering stink of blood and decaying flesh can surprise even trained soldiers

Trending Today

Just in Time for Black Friday, San Francisco Passed the First Ever Retail Worker Bill of Rights

San Francisco's retail staff will have more stable hours and the possibility to work overtime

Who is this random guy? It's John Tyler, the tenth president of the United States.

New Research

Soon Enough No One Will Remember Bill Clinton

People mostly remember first and recent US presidents, forgetting almost all the ones that came between

Trending Today

Will Mandatory Calorie Counts Rain on Cinnabon's 8,300-Rolls-Per-Hour Thanksgiving Parade?

Cinnabon staffs up to cope with the holiday rush for their 880-calorie cinnamon rolls

This relatives and friends of this 30-something-year-old woman suspected she might come back from the grave as a vampire, as indicated by the sickle placed directly across her neck, and meant to keep her in the ground.

New Research

The 17th-Century Polish Vampire Next Door

In 17th century Poland, people pegged as vampires weren't weirdo foreigners but locals who freaked their neighbors out

Cool Finds

Lemmings Do Not Explode Or Throw Themselves Off Cliffs

A popular myth about these arctic rodents has its roots in faked documentary footage from Disney

An artists' rendition of a different species of Pentaceratops alongside a modern white rhinoceros for scale

New Research

Reexamining Fossils Revealed a New Dinosaur Species

A distinct species of Pentaceratops was hiding in a museum's fossil collection

Artifacts from the Antikythera Shipwreck, the famous mechanism in the center, as exhibited in Athens, Greece

New Research

Mysterious Antikythera Mechanism Is Even Older Than We Thought

This ancient astronomical calculator is now dated to 205 B.C. and is 1,000 years more advanced than anything else found from that time

Astronaut Charles "Pete" Conrad sets up the American flag on the Moon during Apollo 12 on November 19, 1969.

Cool Finds

How NASA Censored Dirty-Mouthed Astronauts

NASA really didn't want astronauts swearing on air

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