Smart News

Two turkeys spent last night in the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington, DC.

Trending Today

Pardoned Turkeys Spend a Night in a Hotel First

After an evening in a $350 hotel room, today President Obama will spare the birds from the butcher's block

Cool Finds

Heroin Use Is on the Rise Again, Thanks to Suburban White Users

OxyContin is heroin's new gateway drug, experts say

Cool Finds

A Dutch Actress Is Journeying to the South Pole on a Tractor

She pays tribute to great polar expeditions of the past and carries the dreams of thousands with her


Trending Today

Butter And Olive Oil Prices Spike

The world is about to become much less tasty

A rufous hummingbird.

Cool Finds

One Hummingbird's Unusual Flight: From Minnesota to Texas, on a Plane

Rufous hummingbirds have no business being in St. Paul amid freezing temperatures

The world's first large scale offshore wind farm in Denmark. The 80 turbine installation was completed in December 2002.

Trending Today

America's Offshore Wind Production Is About to Go Big

A new federal land lease will open the door to a surge in offshore wind development

Cool Finds

The Black Sea Devil, a Rare Deep-Sea Anglerfish, Filmed for the First Time

Fewer than half a dozen anglerfish have ever been recorded swimming in their undersea habitat

Trending Today

The Space Station Just Got an Experimental ISSpresso Machine

Mmm, space coffee

New Research

We Weigh the Most on Mondays

The weekend’s excesses can pack on a few extra pounds, but routine during the week tends to strip them away again

A Coptic depiction of Christ and of Abbot Mena dating to around the same time as the recently translated book of rituals.

New Research

An Ancient Egyptian Spellbook Has Been Translated

It's like the researchers have never seen a horror movie

The proposed canal routes through Nicaragua.

Cool Finds

Nicaragua Is Going Ahead With a Massive Canal That Will Bisect the Country

According to experts, the project will likely wreak havoc on both Nicaraguans and the country's environment

New Research

A Simple Way to Reduce Car Crashes: Start the High School Day Later

A later roll-call time for teens also means improved health, mood, and grades

Ariel view of the Hoover Dam captured in 1967

New Research

Americans Are Using Less Water Than We Did in 1970

Peak water was decades ago

Trending Today

Light Therapy May Work on Chronic Mood Disorders, Too

Sitting under fake sun could help heal chronic depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety, too

A scene from a lake-effect snow storm last year in Evans, New York

Trending Today

After the Storm: Floods of Dumped Milk And Melting Snow in Western New York

More than five feet of snow, and up to eight in some places, over such as short time period is a lot to deal with

New Research

In the U.S., Few Heavy Drinkers Are Actually Alcoholics

About 90 percent of people who drink excessively—more than eight drinks a week for women, 15 for men—are not alcohol dependent

The worm's progression through the man's brain, over a four year period.

New Research

A Tapeworm Crawled Around In This Man's Brain for Years

Studying the extracted parasite might help others avoid a similar infestation

Cool Finds

One Idea to Get to Mars: Fill the Walls of a Spaceship With Water

The insulation from radiation would also be drinkable

New Research

How One Crop Allowed Humans to Conquer the Himalaya

Hardy barley enabled us to survive at altitudes that were previously beyond reach

An optical light image of a black hole’s jet from the galaxy M87

New Research

The Rotational Energy of Black Holes Spits Out Powerful Particle Streams

Researchers are getting closer to answering some heavy questions about how supermassive black holes work

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