Smart News

Cool Finds

This Awesome Synthesizer Turns the Weather Into Song

Hear the pitter-patter of rain in a new way

New Research

Lose Ice in Alaska, See Temperatures Spike By 7°C

This puts the goal of keeping temperature rises below 2°C to shame

Deforestation in Brazil

New Research

The Amazon Rainforest Disappeared Way More Quickly This Year

Widespread deforestation is even worse than you think

Cool Finds

Sea Coral Makes Excellent Human Bone Grafts

Coral’s porous structure, with some chemical tweaks, is the perfect place for new bone and tissue to grow

The German U-576 off the coast of France, around 1940 or 1941. It sunk near North Carolina in 1942.

Cool Finds

Wreckage of a Nazi U-Boat Was Found Off the Coast of North Carolina

A freighter lost in that skirmish was also discovered in the "graveyard of the Atlantic"

New Research

Why Hawaii Cares About a Massive Tsunami That Hit Centuries Ago

About 500 years ago, a 30-foot tsunami caused by a 9.0-magnitude quake in the Aleutian Islands slammed into Hawaii

New Research

Like Ants, Small Backpackers Are Adept at Carrying Proportionally Heavier Loads

The weight a person or animal can carry does not increase uniformly with size

Cool Finds

Newest King Tut Theory: He Suffered Severe Disorders From Inbreeding

Problems included a club foot that prevented him from walking unaided

Nope nope nope.

New Research

You Don’t Even Want to Know About All the Stuff Living on Your Eyeball

Even eyes can't escape the microbiome

Computer engineers working on Cray Supercomputers in 1983

Trending Today

What Happened to All the Women in Computer Science?

The low numbers of female computer science majors may have roots in the mid-1980s and the rise of personal computers

Skaftafell National Park

New Research

This Glacier in Iceland Is Fighting to Stay Alive

The Falljökull glacier has cut off its lower reaches but the upper portion is advancing once again

New Research

Plants Can Sense When Insects Are Eating Them

Plants can sense munching vibrations that insects make, and respond accordingly with heightened defenses

Cool Finds

To Find Out How Healthy Whales Are, Send in the Drones

A custom-built drone got close enough to whales to capture individuals' distinctive markings

A schematic diagram from US patent application US20140265690 A1

Cool Finds

Finally, a Working (Though Limited) Hoverboard!

If you have a huge aluminum or copper sheet, this hoverboad looks pretty fun

This man's spine wasn't cut by a knife, but rather is degenerating from arthritis.

New Research

Nose Cells Transplanted to a Paralyzed Man’s Spine Let Him Walk Once Again

Specialized cells from the nose can promote the regeneration of nerve cells

New Research

Prozac Doesn't Make Birds Happy

Birds on Prozac lose their appetite and libido

Astronaut Mae Jemison in the Spacelab in 1992.

Cool Finds

The Case for Sending Women to Mars

Because women are smaller than men, they're cheaper to send into space

Cool Finds

Ex-Nazis Received Social Security Payments From America

Dozens of former Nazis are suspected of collecting millions in Social Security in return for exiting the country

Trending Today

The White House Just Asked Scientists to Stop Trying to Make Diseases More Deadly

New funding is being suspended, and anyone who's already been paid to do such work is being asked to stop.

Garmai Sumo with the Liberian red cross supervises a burial team as they pull out the body of 40-year-old Mary Nyanforh, in Monrovia, Liberia, on October 14, 2014.

Trending Today

Even West Africans Who Don't Catch Ebola Are Being Hurt By the Disease

Ebola's toll is more than just a body count

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