Smart News

An artist's impression of an antiarch mating scene.

New Research

A Very Ancient Group of Jawed Fish Were Having Surprisingly Intimate Intercourse

Many fish later ditched this clumsy method in favor of external fertilization


New Research

The Milky Way is Stealing Other Galaxies’ Gases

Little dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way are missing their hydrogen


Denver Police Stoke a New Halloween Fear—Pot-Laced Candy

You really think people are going to give marijuana away?

New Research

Arts Degrees: Not Entirely Worthless

Recent graduates of arts degrees report high job satisfaction and employment numbers

General Robinson, right, is handed the Pacific Air Forces flag during a ceremony yesterday.

Trending Today

General Lori Robinson Takes Charge of the Pacific as Air Force’s First Female Major Command Leader

Robinson joins the short list of female four-star generals

New Research

Your Microbes Get Jet Lagged, Too

When bacteria's circadian rhythm is disrupted, they become worse at their jobs


Cool Finds

This Umbrella Creates an Air “Force Field” to Keep Rain Away

The umbrellas are still in the testing phase but are expected to ship out by next December

Trending Today

Parents Could Be On the Hook for What Their Irresponsible Kid Does on Facebook

A court case in Georgia says parents can be liable for their kids Facebook behavior

Trending Today

In Australia, Curiosity® Really Will Kill Feral Cats

Don't feel too bad for the cats, though: they kill millions of birds and little mammals every day

Cool Finds

This Weekend, Astronomers Get Their Best Ever Look at an Oort Cloud Object

Looking at the Oort cloud is like looking back in time—a superpower hampered by the fact that the Oort cloud is very, very, very, very far away

A corridor leading to the infectious disease ward at Ellis Island's defunct hospital.

Cool Finds

Ellis Island Is Opening an Abandoned Hospital to the Public for the First Time in 60 Years

There are 29 abandoned buildings in all, several of which visitors can explore

Cool Finds

There's a Scientific Reason Why Self-Harm Makes Some People Feel Better

The same part of the brain that handles physical distress also deals with emotions


Cool Finds

This Photographer Set Out on a Quest to Rediscover the World's Lost Species of Frogs

Some of the subjects are new to science, others haven't been seen in 15 to 160 years

A Dallas resident in a neighborhood where one of the persons diagnosed with Ebola lives peers out of her window.

Trending Today

Unbelievable Reactions People Have Had to the Ebola Outbreak

For some, the disease is a chance to make money; for others, it brings out racism

New Research

Wind Power is Actually Cheaper Than Coal, Nuclear and Gas

Once you consider the downstream consequences, coal becomes a lot more expensive

New Research

This Google Glass Owner Only Took His Device Off to Sleep And Shower

And when he checked into rehab, he couldn't stop touching his right temple

New Research

“Arming the Rebels” Has Pretty Much Never Worked

Guns and training, but no on-the-ground support, doesn't amount to much

A critically endangered black rhino in Namibia.

Cool Finds

In an Effort to Stop Poaching, Namibia Will Remove All of Its Rhinos’ Horns

That extreme measure will likely not be enough to stop the killing, however, so the country is also bolstering its anti-poaching patrols

Cool Finds

All the Things a Hacker Can Find Out About You on Public Wifi

Your vacation, your job, your passwords

Meerkats at the London zoo

Cool Finds

Watch Adorable Meerkat And Otter Live Streams, Help Combat Poaching

Google and the London Zoo have teamed up to offer live streams of animals in an effort to test conservation tech

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