Smart News

New Research

Mindlessly Vegging Out Is Good for You, But Only If You Don’t Guilt Yourself for It

Relaxing only works if you let yourself do it

Trending Today

Half As Many Small Children Died Last Year As Did in 1990

The global mortality rate for children under five is continuing to drop

Protests in August, 2014 against the Libyan parliament's decision to ask the UN to intervene in the country's current conflict.

Cool Finds

Libya’s Parliament Is Living on a Greek Ferry

Unrest in Libya has forced the government to take to the seas

New Research

Schizophrenia Might Actually Be Eight Different Disorders

The finding could help researchers devise more effective treatments that are tailored for individual patients

New Research

The Average Prisoner Only Gets Two Visits While They Are Incarcerated

Prisoners who receive the most visitors, however, tend to do the best after they are released

The "skylight" appears as a light pink splotch atop this leatherback sea turtle's head.

New Research

Leatherback Sea Turtles Can Measure Sunlight Through Their Skulls

The anatomical skylight allows the turtles to synch up with the seasons

A teenage boy sends a text message on his mobile phone as stands in the floodwater on the main street of Bentley in Doncaster.

Cool Finds

Programmers Are Creating a Way for Your Phone to Get Online Even When Data Is Down

The Cosmos Browser uses text messages to browse the web

The primary landing site of Rosetta's Philae lander on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is marked with a cross.

Trending Today

This Is Where Rosetta's Lander Will Touch Down

The Philae lander will touch down at "Site J" In November

New Research

New Study: Blame Defective Wells for Fracking Leaks

Fixing shoddy wells could mean making fracking safer for the environment

Cool Finds

America: The Land of the (Romantically) Free

For the first time on record, more Americans are single than married

Trending Today

Russia Is Building a New Military Base in the Arctic

The cold war over the Arctic continues

Mine resistant ambush protected vehicles in their natural habitat.

Trending Today

How Many Left-Over Mine-Resistant Vehicles Did Your School Get From the Military?

School police forces also get used military gear

New Research

This Map Shows Where All That Carbon Dioxide Is Coming From

Global carbon emissions have an obvious bias

Eruption at the Holuhraun lava field near Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland, September 2, 2014

Trending Today

Sinking At Icelandic Volcano Has Scientists Worried About Possible Eruption

Movement within Bardarbunga's caldera has researchers watching the volcano closely

Cool Finds

Weird Ways People Have Tried To Stop Lava

People living near volcanoes have tried a lot of different methods to redirect lava flows

Cool Finds

Detroit's Dumps Are Slowly Being Reclaimed By Nature

Some illegal dumping grounds in Detroit are being repopulated by hardy plants

Cool Finds

This Website Wants to Make Your Major Life Decisions for You

The site could help people who just want their decisions validated or who honestly have no idea what to do with themselves

Mobility Enhancing Soft Exosuit: a soft wearable robot made from lightweight and flexible materials.

Cool Finds

A High-Tech, Strength-Boosting Exoskeleton Doesn't Have to Be Heavy

The next generation of exoskeletons may be less bulky than Iron Man

Cool Finds

A 24-Year-Old Woman Just Discovered She's Had a Hole in Her Brain Her Entire Life

This rare care demonstrates just how incredibly adaptive the human brain is

Cool Finds

The International Space Station Is Getting Its Own 3-D Printer

Researchers are hoping their 3-D printer will work in microgravity

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