Smart News

A screenshot from the Metafilter discussion "Plane crashes in to the wor[l]d trade center."

Trending Today

This Is How the Internet Reacted to Two Planes Crashing Into the WTC on 9/11/01

The Metafilter page discussing 9/11 is still online

Back in 2005 Virgin Galactic and New Mexico worked out a deal for the state to build a multimillion dollar spaceport. Here's Richard Branson (right) giving Governor Bill Richardson a model airplane to commemorate the occasion.

Cool Finds

Delay-Plagued Virgin Galactic Finds Itself Delayed, Again

It will be hard for Virgin Galactic to fly by 2015 without a fully tested rocket engine

New Research

Dog Movies Create Ten-Year Spikes in Breeds' Popularity

"Lassie" alone led to a 40 percent increase in the number of border collies that families adopted

New Research

Fish Eat Mammals on the Regular

A new study indicates that in some ecosystems, mammals are a fairly normal foodstuff for fish

Cool Finds

Libraries Are Great at Lending All Sorts of Things—Not Just Books

Lending libraries are now lending more than books

New Research

Women Get More Politically Engaged When Their Senator Is Also Female

Women no longer lag far behind men in political savvy when they have a female leader to look toward

Cool Finds

The Social Media Fight Between the U.S. and ISIS Is Weirder Than You'd Imagine

The U.S. has decided to fight propaganda with propaganda

Trending Today

Crowns, Beheadings, Rebellions—Bone Up on the History of Scottish Independence Before Next Week's Referendum

A vote that could change the direction of Scotland's future is a little over a week away

New Research

Saturn Is Making (And Destroying) Mini-Moons All The Time

Saturn's F ring is a little moon factory

Rescue workers look through the ruins left by the August 3, 2014 earthquake.

New Research

Deadly Chinese Earthquake May Have Been Man-Made

More than 600 people died in the August 3 Yunnan earthquake

New Research

When We're Lonely, Inanimate Faces Come Alive

Our minds are less particular about the source of comfort when we are craving contact with others

Trending Today

Sir John Franklin’s Doomed Ship Just Turned Up in the Arctic After 170 Years

The two ships disappeared in 1846 during a British expedition trying to map the Northwest Passage

Trending Today

Enterovirus 68, a Rare Virus, Is Spreading Among Kids in the U.S.

The CDC reports that patients with the respiratory disease are showing up in hospitals across the country

Cool Finds

Summer Vacation Is Actually About City Kids, Not Farm Kids

If school breaks were really scheduled around farming needs, then kids would be in the classroom during the summer months

Esplanade park in Helsinki

Cool Finds

In the Summer, Helsinki's Buildings Are Cooled by an Underground Lake

Underneath a park in Helsinki, Finland is a lake used to cool buildings in the city

New Research

The World's Carbon Sinks May Be Running Out of Room

The Earth's biosphere may be absorbing less carbon than it used to

A model depicting a Viking ring fortress layout.

New Research

Newly Discovered Viking Fortress Could Have Been a Launch Point for Invading England

The ring-shaped complex could have been used as a military training ground

Pew pew

Cool Finds

A Military Contractor Just Went Ahead And Used an Xbox Controller For Their New Giant Laser Cannon

The army’s new laser cannon is controlled with an Xbox controller

New Research

Peaches Were Domesticated in China 7,500 Years Ago

Preserved peach pits reveal the origins of this sweet fruit

New Research

Why Networking Can Make You Feel Dirty

Pursuing relationships to forward your career aspirations triggers a sense of moral disgust

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