Smart News


Cool Finds

Nine Different Households, Surrounded by a Week's Worth Garbage

Photographer Gregg Segal wanted to highlight the problems of waste, pollution and overconsumption

Pyramid of Djoser

Cool Finds

Restoration Of Egypt’s Oldest Pyramid May Be Harming it

Efforts to save the Pyramid of Djoser could be making things worse

New Research

More Evidence That Arctic Warming Is Behind the Weak Polar Vortex

Scientists lay out how melting sea ice may destabilize the Arctic atmospheric circulation

Cool Finds

This Project Wants to Compost People After They Die

A Seattle-based designer aims to introduce a sustainable way of disposing of bodies

Oh we're sorry, were you trying to be shifty?

Cool Finds

Some Cell Phone Towers Don’t Just Relay Your Call, They Listen In

The surprisingly affordable way to spy on someone's phone

Cool Finds

The Brain Will Go to Amazing, Sometimes Scary Lengths to Preserve Its Self-Constructed Narrative

Your life narrative gives meaning to chaos

New Research

Dry Grass Hints That Stonehenge Was Once a Whole Circle

Researchers find new evidence about the shape of Stonehenge

A bromeliad epiphyte growing on a branch of a giant ceiba tree in Ecuador

New Research

Flowering Plants Appeared in Forest Canopies Just a Few Million Years After Dinosaurs Went Extinct

A new study gives scientists some more insight into the weird history of flowering plants

Douglas firs in the American West.

Cool Finds

Extreme Drought in New Mexico Cost a 650-Year-Old Tree Its Life

The 7-foot-tall douglas fir named Yoda managed to weather many a drought over the centuries, but not this last one

New Research

Action Movies Encourage Charged-Up Viewers to Overeat

People watching action flicks ate nearly twice as much as those viewing a talk show

1 kilometer (0.62 mile)-long fissure in Iceland's Holuhraun lava field on August 29

Trending Today

Icelandic Volcano Is Erupting Spectacularly (And Relatively Quietly)

The eruption, currently spewing lava fountains, could go on for a year

A wild boar mama in Germany.

Cool Finds

Radioactive Boars Are Roaming Around Germany

The boar's meat is too contaminated from Chernobyl's radiation to be fit for human consumption

New Research

At "Slaves' Hill," Some Workers Ate Better Than Others

New research suggests that the workers at copper mines in the Levant were valued workers, not slaves


Cool Finds

The Surprisingly Complicated Reason Why Stars Look Like They Have Points

Stars are star-shaped because of imperfection in our eyes

A Lost Chapter From Roald Dahl’s "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Was Just Released

The chapter was removed after being deemed "too wild" and subversive

Trending Today

RIP Sexy Space Geckos

The five geckos sent to space have all died

New Research

Neanderthal Carvings in a Gibraltar Cave Reveal Some of Europe's Oldest Known Artwork

Some argue, however, that Homo sapiens are responsible for the etchings

New Research

Ghostly Neutrinos Created in the Heart of the Sun Are Finally Detected

This is the most direct evidence supporting researchers’ ideas about how the Sun is powered

A rhesus macaque. Not one with ebola

Trending Today

Ebola Drug ZMapp Cured 18 Monkeys

How well the drug works in humans, however, isn't so clear

Sculpture inspired by traditional Norwegian fiskehjeller (fish racks) and designed by Rintala Eggertsson Architects

Cool Finds

This Beach Sculpture Is Modeled After Norwegian Fish Drying Racks

Norway's SALT festival involves music, sauna's and architecture

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