Smart News

A zoomorphic stone portal found at the re-discovered site of Lagunita

Cool Finds

Two Maya Cities Found in Mexican Jungle

One of the sites was re-discovered after being lost for decades

The painting called "Holy Ghost and His Companions" in Utah's Horseshoe Canyon

New Research

New Analysis Suggests Utah’s Famous Rock Art Is Surprisingly Recent

The impressive Barrier Canyon Style images hold clues to the identity of their mysterious painters

A false-color image of the "Orion" dust particle

New Research

NASA Has Very Likely Captured the First Space Dust From Beyond Our Solar System

A handful of rocky particles could tell us about the birth of our Sun and its planets

Trending Today

Public Health Orgs Are Weighing In on E-Cigarettes

The AHA is neutral on e-cigarettes in U.S., but the WHO wants to ban them indoors

Trending Today

Dear Americans: You Don’t Understand What the Burger King-Tim Hortons Merger Means to Canadians

Tim Hortons is a core component of the amorphous "Canadian identity"

Shrek the sheep (seen here in 2004) held the record for wooliest sheep

Tasmanian Sheep May Be Wooliest In World

Shaun the sheep might beat out the previous champ, Shrek, as the world's wooliest sheep

New Research

Fully Functional Thymus Grown In Mouse

Growing organs for human transplant is still a long way off, but this study is still a step forward

Cool Finds

Oregon Animals Now Have Some Basic Rights Formerly Reserved for Humans

Crimes against animals can't be lumped all together—each animal victim has to be recognized individually

New Research

The Forest Service Is Running Out of Money to Fight Fires

Firefighting and prevention costs now blaze through 51 percent of the U.S. Forest Service budget, compared to 17 percent in 1995

Methane bubbling up from underneath an Alaskan Lake

New Research

Gas, Probably Methane, Is Seeping From 570 Sites off the East Coast

A new study shows that we might find additional sources of methane in places we least expected it

A building downtown at 2nd and Brown sustained damage from the 6.0 earthquake in Napa.

Trending Today

A New Way to See Earthquakes: Peoples’ Fitness Trackers

Yesterday's Napa earthquake woke people up

This thread-like RNA (ribonucleic acid) virus is the cause of ebola haemorrhagic fever in humans. It takes its name from the location of the first recorded outbreak near the Ebola river in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Trending Today

A Separate Outbreak of Ebola Emerges in the Congo

Researchers think the Ebola outbreak is independent of the one in West Africa

New Research

For the First Time, America's Public School Students Will be Mostly Minorities

White kids will represent less than half the public school population this year

New Research

Corals And Fish Can Tell a Bad Reef When They Smell It

New research indicates that young marine species can be picky about where they choose to settle

Trending Today

Bitcoin May Get a Whole Lot More Useful Soon

An eBay-owned company—that runs payments systems for AirBnB & Uber—is thinking about accepting Bitcoin

Cool Finds

Scientists Are Actually Talking About Building Giant Space Lasers to Control the Weather

This is what happens when you refuse to do things the easy way

Cool Finds

New Jersey Will Test Solar-Powered Commuting Pods Straight Out of the Future

The new form of transportation looks like it came here from the future

Cool Finds

Women Now Outnumber Adolescent Boys in the Gamer Community

Smartphones likely explain the sudden spike in the number of female gamers

Cool Finds

Elephant Poachers Also Targeting Vultures

Vultures are being targeted by elephant poachers in Africa


New Research

Someone, Somewhere Is Still Emitting A Whole Load of Ozone-Depleting Chemicals

Emissions of carbon tetrachrloride are still 30% of peak emissions

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