Smart News

A typical 15th century banquet.

New Research

Before He Died, Richard III Lived Large

Bone chemistry sheds light on the monarch's shifting diet throughout his brief life

The bottle recovered from a shipwreck off the coast of Poland

Cool Finds

200-Year-Old Alcohol Found in Shipwreck Is Still Drinkable

Researchers found the liquid, originally thought to be mineral water, was actually over-aged booze

Chippewa men performing in an annual powwow held near Cass Lake, Minnesota.

Cool Finds

An American Tribe Wants a German Museum to Return Native American Scalps

The German Museums Association says that scalps are not subject to the same ethical guidelines that govern other human remains

Randy Schademann (R), an on scene coordinator with the US Environmental Protection Agency, and contractor Erik Hadwin collect water samples from the Gulf of Mexico off the beach at Grand Isle, Louisiana, USA, 21 June 2010.

New Research

Can We Clean Up the Next Oil Spill With Magnets?

A new technique may help during the next oil spill


Cool Finds

Watch How Jim Henson Animated Jazz With Tiny, Dancing Strips of Paper

Jim Henson had a soft spot for jazz

David Graham, rear, with John Tee-Van, front, with one of the young pandas.

Cool Finds

How an American Missionary Helped Capture the First Panda Given to the U.S.

"Missionaries sometimes have to tackle strange and unusual jobs," David Graham wrote.

An artist's interpretation of what Hallucigenia sparsa looked like.

New Research

This Weird, 500 Million-Year-Old Spiky Worm With Legs Actually Has a Descendant

Modern-day velvet worms' jaws are repurposed former claws

Survival tools and various equipment are displayed at the headquarters building of the Tokyo Rinkai Disaster Prevention Park recently developed on the waterfront on Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cool Finds

Tokyo Has Built Disaster Preparedness Into the Fabric of the City

Refuge parks stocked with food and water are ready for the next disaster

Cool Finds

How to Charm Worms Out of the Ground

The art of worm grunting

Trending Today

Why Are People Afraid of Colgate Total Toothpaste?

Bloomberg reports that customers are abandoning Colgate's Total brand because it contains triclosan


Cool Finds

Ultraviolet Camera Reveals the Secret Price of Sunbathing

Some of the damage done to your skin by UV rays is hard to see

The entrance to Actun Tunichil Muknal

Cool Finds

You Can Visit A Cave Where the Ancient Maya Sacrificed Humans

In Belize, the Actun Tunichil Muknal cave is an eerie experience for visitors

Cool Finds

America’s Tumbleweeds Are Actually Russian Invaders

Some say the tumbleweed's takeover of the American West was the most aggressive weed invasion in our country's history

New Research

Our Personalities Are Most Stable in Mid-Life

In some ways, our 80-year-old selves mirror our 20-year-old selves

A current commercial satellite image of the Smithsonian Castle in Washington, DC, as seen in Google Earth. This isn't even zoomed all the way in.

Trending Today

The Latest Commercial Satellite Can See a Dinner Plate from Space

DigitalGlobe's WorldView-3 has a resolution of just over nine inches

A 'Bring Back Our Girls' campaigner addresses supporters at the Unity Fountain, on the 100th day of the abductions of more than 200 school girls by the Boko Haram, in Abuja on July 23, 2014.

Trending Today

Boko Haram Has Displaced 400,000 People, Even As the Nigerian Military Fights Back

The situation in Nigeria has only been getting worse

Fish swimming by the Great Barrier Reef

New Research

Outlook For Great Barrier Reef Not So Great

The five year state of the reef reports paints a gloomy picture for the natural wonder

Flax yarn recovered from late Neolithic graves, heavily laden with resin.

New Research

The First Ancient Egyptian Mummies Might Have Appeared 1,500 Years Earlier Than Egyptologists Thought

Egyptians were embalming their dead as far back as 4,100 B.C.

The tattoo biosensor (enlarged to show detail)

New Research

Using Sweat To Power Devices Isn’t Far Off

An intense workout at the gym could one day not only recharge your batteries, but your phone's too

Cool Finds

Why Everyone From Conservationists to Yao Ming to Andrew Cuomo Supports Banning Ivory Sales

Because of corruption and laundering, any system of legal ivory trade threatens the continued existence of elephants

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