Smart News

Cool Finds

Along I-95, 5,000 Years of History

Archaeological excavations along I-95 are digging up the past

New Research

Spider Silk is a Fine-Tuned Alert System

Web fibers can send a wide range of messages

Scientific fieldwork can be exciting, but can also create an environment where sexual harassment occurs a new study finds

New Research

64% Of Surveyed Scientists Have Experienced Harassment During Fieldwork

Female trainees are particularly vulnerable

Cool Finds

Suburban Skunks are on the Rise

Grand Rapids, Michigan, is basically enveloped in a cloud of stink

Cool Finds

This Smart Cat Feeder Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Greedy Kitties

The feeder tracks each cat's food intake to make sure no one is taking the lion's share

Shiki 1, a Japanese White Pine Bonsai suspended from a weather ballon as it ascends to the edge of space for artist Azuma Makoto's project Exobiotanica

Cool Finds

Artist Sends a Bouquet and a Bonsai to Space

What happens when you send a Bonsai tree to space? See for yourself

Cool Finds

This 71-Year-Old Just Set a Record With His 1,673th Ascent of Mt. Fuji

The mountaineer says that now he's ready to tackle Everest

The comet Cheryumov-Gerasimenko seems to be shaped like a rubber duckie

Cool Finds

The ESA is on a Mission to Harpoon a Duck-Shaped Comet

As if catching a comet wasn't already hard enough

A hotel's welcome notice for Auke Dalstra of flight MH17 is seen at the arrival hall of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport Terminal on July 18, 2014 in Sepang, Malaysia.

Trending Today

The Horrific Downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 Has Echoes in History

Lessons from history hint at what might happen next

This worm is sober.

New Research

Worms Can Get Drunk, But Not These Mutant Worms

The gene could also, theoretically, be modified in humans to prevent some of the effects of booze

New Research

These Psychologists Think We'd Be Happier If We Talked to Strangers More

Though you should definitely take this on a case-by-case basis.

Cool Finds

In Microgravity, Some Snakes Tie Themselves in Knots, Others Attack Themselves

Some animals just don't know how to deal when gravity goes away

New Research

Researchers are Tracking House Cats with Tiny Harnesses

GPS measurements and collar cameras will tell them where, exactly, kitty goes all day

Bubble wrap as test tubes.

New Research

Bubble Wrap Can Make Great DIY Test Tubes

Bubble wrap test tubes could be particularly useful in developing countries

Trending Today

The FBI's Next Worry: Self-Driving Car Bombs

That's ok. It's their job to worry

New Research

Gardens May Be Therapeutic For Dementia Patients

Adding green space to nursing homes might be a good idea

The soft, phase-changing material. Photo courtesy of the researchers.

New Research

Researchers Make Phase-Changing Material Fit for Transforming Robots

Wax and foam are on the cutting edge

The skeleton of a young man, whose tooth plaque was used in the study.

New Research

Ancient Tooth Plaque Shows Our Ancestors Used to Feast on Weeds

Purple nutsedge is a pest today, but thousands of years ago it was probably valued for its cavity-preventing properties

Cool Finds

Meet the Newest (Robotic) Member of Your Family

This emotional robot can tell stories, remember appointments, and make faces

Cool Finds

Chicago Is Trying to Blackout-Proof Its Downtown

Chicago is installing a cable that will prevent blackouts, at least within the Loop

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