Smart News

New Research

Borneo Has Lost 30 Percent of Its Forest in the Past 40 Years

Borneo's tropical forests have fallen at twice the rate as the rest of the world's felled rainforests

Salmon in a fish farm in Norway

New Research

This New Carbon Capture Project Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Fish Food

A Norwegian project hopes to reduce both pollution and lessen pressure on krill stocks

New Research

Baby Turtles Coordinate Hatching By Talking to One Another Through Their Egg Shells

A number of turtle species make sounds, but this is the first evidence that babies do so before they've even hatched


Cool Finds

An Abandoned Mall in Bangkok Has Turned into a Gigantic Fish Habitat

Though if it weren't for the fish, the mall would be overrun with mosquitoes

Smoke rises over a Syrian village that has been recently shelled

Cool Finds

People are Traveling to War Zones for Tourism

Because adventure travel just hasn't gone far enough

Trending Today

People Really Need to Stop Bringing Giant African Land Snails Into the US

Sixty-seven baseball-sized giant African land snails were confiscated at the Los Angeles International Airport

Cool Finds

You Can Now Riffle Through the Same Library Charles Darwin Used Aboard the Beagle

The digital library includes 195,000 pages of text and 5,000 illustrations

New Research

The Ongoing Drought Will Cost California $2.2 Billion and 17,000 Jobs

California is facing its greatest water loss on record, and it's not likely to get better any time soon

New Research

We Choose Friends Who Are Genetically Similar to Us

On average, our friends are like the genetic equivalents of fourth cousins

Shoreline near Cape Canaveral

Cool Finds

Archaeologists Are Hunting for the Lost French Fleet That Nearly Conquered Spanish Florida

In 1565 a fleet of French ships was destroyed in a hurricane, effectively ending France's hopes of territory in Florida

Infantryman Brandon Dieckmann poses with LS3.

Trending Today

Boston Dynamics' Robotic Mule Is Doing War Games With the Marines

This is the first time the DARPA-funded robot has been in the field

New Research

No Matter How Much You Practice, If You Don’t Have Natural Talent You Still Might Never Be the Best, Some Experts Think

Yet other researchers think that different factors, such as the quality and timing of practice, matter most

An amateur photograph of galaxy NGC 5907 by Flickr user korborh. On its own it doesn't look like much, but combined with hundreds more it can reveal new secrets about the universe.

New Research

Astronomers Are Doing Real Science With Space Photos They Found on Flickr

Want to help research? Grab a camera and point it to the heavens

Cool Finds

Kiribati’s Climate Change Plan B: Buy a New Island Home

With sea levels rising, Kiribati is planning for the future by investing in a whole new island

Tiger skins confiscated in Yunnan, China.

Cool Finds

China Finally Came Clean About Its Shady Tiger Skin Trade

Whether or not this will improve the situation for tigers, however, remains to be seen

A hot spring in Yellowstone National Park

Cool Finds

Yes, Yellowstone's Roads Just Melted. No, There's No Reason to Panic

Yellowstone's melting roads, while neat, aren't as unusual as you'd think

New Research

There's No Laundry in Space, So NASA is Trying to Make Clothes That Don't Get Smelly

Astronauts got a shipment of fresh, hopefully odor-resistant gym clothes

Cool Finds

Revenge of the Polar(esque) Vortex

Questions remain as to whether the coming cold snap is a true polar vortex, but either way, the eastern U.S. is about to get much colder

New Research

We Know Physics is Largely White and Male, But Exactly How White and Male is Still Striking

Most current physics students will likely never have an African American physics teacher, says a new survey

The Costa Concordia, refloated.

Trending Today

The Wrecked Costa Concordia Cruise Ship Is Finally Being Towed Away

The ship's remains will be broken down for scrap metal

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