Smart News

Cool Finds

The North Pole Could Soon Drift Over to Siberia

Earth's magnetic field seems to be weakening and potentially migrating

Clay tokens that Assyrians used for a simple bookkeeping system.

New Research

Some Ancient Assyrians Ignored the Advent of Writing for Thousands of Years

It took thousands of years for Assyrians to finally give up primitive record-keeping methods

Promotional photo provided by Cruise

Cool Finds

With A $10,000 Kit Your Car Could (Kind of) Drive Itself

Instead of waiting to buy a self-driving car, why not give the car you already own an update?

Cool Finds

Children’s Skulls Encircled Some Bronze Age Lake Villages

The bones may have been thought to ward off flooding in lakeside villages

Trending Today

HIV Has Reappeared in the Mississippi Baby Who Was Supposedly Cured of The Disease

The findings cast doubt on our ability to infected rid newborns of HIV, at least for the time being

Batchelder tile from the lobby of the El Dorado Lofts in Los Angeles.

Cool Finds

Saving Los Angeles’ Batchelder Tile

Arts and crafts enthusiasts are waiting for a recently rediscovered landmark to reopen

New Research

Human Skin Can Detect Odors, Some of Which May Help Trigger Healing

Olfactory cells occur all over the body, not just in the nose

New Research

A Deadly Fungus Is Wiping Out Frogs and Toads—But Some Can Develop Resistance

Scientists hope it might be possible to develop a vaccine to the fungus, based on the frog and toad's immunity

New Research

There’s a Very Good Reason Explosives Are Being Set Off on Mount St. Helens

The explosions will let geologists peek inside the volcano's magma chamber

Surely this exoplanet deserves a better name than CoRoT-7b.

Cool Finds

Ok, Now There's an Actual, Official Contest to Name New Exoplanets

The International Astronomical Union is throwing their own exoplanet naming contest

The Pixar version of ISEE-3 would have more dramatic eyes.

Trending Today

It's a Sad Day for ISEE-3, As the Bid to Save the Long-Lost Satellite Fails

We can't help but feel bad for the little lonely satellite

Cool Finds

In U.S. High Schools, Full-Time International Students Now Outnumber Exchange Students

Public schools are actively recruiting tuition-paying foreign students

Cool Finds

Machine in the Netherlands Collects Plastic Waste, Turns it into Floating Parks

The effort aims to prevent plastic waste from going into the North Sea

This is what an actual Goodwill box looks like.

Cool Finds

Fake Clothing Drop Bins Use Your “Charity” Donations To Make a Profit

From Tampa to Charlotte to New York City, non-legit Goodwill boxes are proliferating

Cool Finds

This Tiny Implant Could Provide Remote-Control Birth Control for 16 Years at a Time

Microchip implants under the skin could last for 16 years

New Research

Forget the Fastest Route. Why Not Use Digital Maps to Plan the Most Beautiful Instead?

Yahoo is developing an algorithm that will allow you to choose the scenic route

Dried bushmeat is displayed near a road of the Yamoussoukro highway. Experts who have studied the Ebola virus from its discovery in 1976 in Democratic Republic of Congo, then Zaire, say its suspected origin is forest bats. Links have also been made to the carcasses of freshly slaughtered animals consumed as bushmeat.

Trending Today

Chopping Down African Forests Increases Human Exposure to Ebola

Habitat loss brings humans and animals into closer contact, increases the spread of disease


New Research

Watch the Unnerving Gait of This 410 Million-Year-Old Arachnid

Working from well-preserved fossils, paleontologists reproduced the trigonotarbids' walk


Cool Finds

How One 1930s German Photographer Successfully Trolled the Nazi Party

A photograph of a young Jewish girl won a contest to find the "perfect example of the Aryan race."

Cool Finds

A Quarter of Americans Are Stressed Out—And That’s Probably a Massive Underestimate

Health, family and monetary problems are top causes of stress, as are raising a teenager or being a single parent

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