Smart News

An oasis in the desert. Tucson, Arizona, as seen from space. October 28, 2011.

Trending Today

Arizona Could Be Out of Water in Six Years

Prolonged drought and a rapidly expanding population are pushing Arizona's water system to its limit

Cool Finds

These Nice, Safe Bike Lanes Will Make You Want to Jump on a Bike

Protected intersections already exist in the Netherlands. Could they ever come to the States?

The NaturePatternMatch software identifies visual features on eggs.

New Research

Software Used for Facial Recognition Teases Out Secret Messages Hidden on Bird Eggs

Some bird eggs have visual signatures that help them distinguish they own clutch from impostor cuckoo eggs

Cool Finds

Guys: Trying to Attract a Mate by Posing With Captive Tigers Is Not Cool

Some women estimate that up to one in ten men on Tinder have a profile picture featuring a big cat

Agave plants blooming in Mexico

Cool Finds

80-Year-Old Agave Plant About To Bloom

The 25-foot-tall plant is finally ready to bloom after 80 long years

New Research

When Trees Are Cut Down, Angkor’s Temples Begin to Crumble

People usually think of trees' destructive impacts on Angkor, but they also protect those iconic temples

The tiny little parasitic wasp Tamarixia radiata.

New Research

Scientists Think These Creepy Wasps Are Going to Save Oranges

Biological control—importing predators to fight an invasive species—has a nasty track record

William Powell and John Barrymore in the Silent Film Sherlock Holmes, 1922

Trending Today

“Sherlock Holmes” Is Now Officially Off Copyright and Open for Business

What amazing Holmes fan fiction will you create?

Cool Finds

Some World Cup Teams Ban Sex Before Games, Even Though Science Says It May Help Performance on the Field

Other teams, however, are all in favor of pre-game sex

Cool Finds

Archaeologists Find Jobs in Oil Boomtown

The oil boom in North Dakota has lead to a lot of job openings, including jobs for archaeologists

New Research

For Some American Women, It's Become the Norm to Have Babies Without Being Married

Women who don't complete college are much more likely to have a child outside of wedlock than those who hold a bachelor's degree

Cool Finds

Watch The Top of A Mountain Be Blown Up Live

The future site of the European Extremely Large Telescope will be leveled this morning

Cool Finds

This Guy Shredded One Million (Worthless) Dollars for Art

A new artwork made of one million shredded dollars has people pondering the value of money

An artist's rendering of what HitchBOT's journey might look like

Cool Finds

This July, a Robot Will Hitchhike Across Canada

HitchBOT will attempt to travel from Halifax to British Columbia, relying on the kindness of strangers

A view of a damaged production unit after a bomb attack at Baiji oil refinery, 180 km (112 miles) north of Baghdad February 26, 2011. Militants attacked Iraq's largest oil refinery on Saturday, killing four workers and detonating bombs that touched off a raging fire and shut down the plant in northern Iraq, officials said

Trending Today

The Jihadists That Just Attacked Iraq's Oil Fields May Already Have More Than $2 Billion in Assets

ISIS is an incredibly well-financed terrorist organization

New Research

"Trophy Wives" Are Rare in Real Life

Most people marry someone who has a similar degree of attractiveness and success as they do

Trending Today

Redskins' Trademark Cancelled by U.S. Patent Office and This Time, It May Hold up in Court

The agency ruled against the NFL team, saying the name was "disparaging to Native Americans," but an appeal is likely in the offing

New Research

Just Let Detroit’s Vacant Lots Run Wild

Neglected and overgrown lots are, it turns out, a boon to Detroit's allergy sufferers

Trending Today

Londoners Are Fighting Back Against "Hostile Architecture"

From spikes in the ground to benches designed to be uncomfortable, hostile architecture is pushing already fringe groups further away from the public eye

New Research

Kids Trust Written Words More Than Spoken Ones

Learning to read seems to make information conveyed in written form seem more authoritative

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