Smart News

The newly discovered "mega-Earth" Kepler-10c dominates the foreground in this artist's conception. Its sibling, the lava world Kepler-10b, is in the background. Both orbit a sunlike star. Kepler-10c has a diameter of about 18,000 miles, 2.3 times as large as Earth, and weighs 17 times as much. Therefore it is all solids, although it may possess a thin atmosphere shown here as wispy clouds.

New Research

This Rocky Exoplanet is Really, Really Big—Too Big

Kepler-10c is a rocky planet that's too big to be a rocky planet

Cool Finds

In Wales, Traveling by Dragon Is Now an Option, According to Google Maps

You can also commute by carriage or Loch Ness monster, depending on your location in the U.K.

Cool Finds

The Universe Is Beautiful in This New Hubble Image

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image 2014 is stunning

Cool Finds

This Company Sold More Beer by Helping Waitresses Get Home Late at Night

Anthropology can have relevance for the business world—just ask this beer company

Military police during the ceremonial lowering of the Chinese flag in Tiananmen Square.

Trending Today

Twenty-Five Years After the Tiananmen Square Massacre, China's Still Trying to Muffle Its Memory

Stories and photos preserve the memory of the massacre that is all but a mystery to many young Chinese

Trending Today

The Fourth Case of Mad Cow Disease Ever Reported in the U.S. Was Just Confirmed

The victim likely picked up the disease while traveling abroad

These artifacts were stolen from the Egyptian Museum in 2011 and were recovered this April. but many looted artifacts leave the country, never to return.

Cool Finds

In Egypt, Antiquities Looters Use Bulldozers

Three years after the revolution, technology and diplomacy are being used to combat looters

Trending Today

Katniss Everdeen's Three-Fingered Salute Has Become a Real-Life Symbol of Resistance in Thailand

In "The Hunger Games," a three-fingered salute indicated resistance. Now it does in Thailand, too.

Fabien Cousteau, grandson of Jacques Cousteau, stands on ice in a 2007 picture

Cool Finds

Jacques Cousteau’s Grandson Is Going to Live Underwater for 31 Days

Fabien Cousteau will honor his grandfather's legacy for over a month

Wool pants found in a grave in China are the oldest pants yet discovered by archaeologists

New Research

The World’s Oldest Pants Were Developed for Riding Horses

3,000-year-old pants discovered in ancient tomb in China

A young woman walks through gritty neighborhood streets beneath smokestacks at Datong No. 2 Power Station at dawn.

Trending Today

China’s Going to Cap Its Carbon Emissions (Updated: Maybe One Day)

China announced plans to put an absolute cap on its carbon emissions

Trending Today

Seattle Votes to Increase Its Minimum Wage to $15

Economists, however, say that the unprecedented hike could have negative repercussions for the city

Believing that a large gun presence deters crime and makes Texas safer, almost forty long gun rights activists, slinging long guns over their shoulders and backs, joined in a walking rally calling for less restrictive open carry gun legislation. Arlington, 2013.

Trending Today

NRA Tells Gun Owners They Went Too Far, For a Change

A letter from the NRA tells "open carry" enthusiasts to tone it down

Rabbits around old military facilities on Okunoshima.

Cool Finds

This Once-Secret Island Now Hosts Hordes of Adorable Bunnies

Now home to hundreds of semi-tame bunnies, the island once housed poison gas facilities

Satellite View of Sandy

Trending Today

It’s Now Hurricane Season, But It Might Be an Easy One

A storm rated category 3 or higher hasn't made landfall in the U.S. since 2005

The project could provide high speed internet to the remote Cook Islands, for example.

Cool Finds

Google Is Launching 180 Satellites to Bring the Internet to Remote Corners of the World

Google is acquiring satellite companies and hiring experts to find solutions for bringing internet to remote corners of the world

Trending Today

Here's a Little Perspective On the EPA's New Carbon Rules

A planned reduction in power plant carbon emissions will help with climate change, but it's not a full fix

Trending Today

Six Hikers Are Missing in Mt. Rainier's Worst Climbing Accident Since 1981

The climbers are still missing, but authorities suspect they were buried by an avalanche

Cool Finds

Save the Endangered Beers!

The National Collection of Yeast Cultures stores thousands of strains of yeast to keep them from disappearing

New Research

Domesticated Dogs Helped Kill Mammoths

Massive mammoth kills in Europe might have required collaboration between humans and early domesticated dogs

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