Smart News

Cool Finds

The Grasshopper Mouse Hunts Scorpions, Turns Scorpion Venom into Painkiller

Evolutionary adaptations let this little mouse hunt scorpions

Two contestants compete in the 2006 International World Rock Paper Scissors Championships in Toronto.

New Research

The Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissor Strategy

<a href="">60 percent of the time, it works every time</a>

Cool Finds

Here’s Why There Will Probably Never Be a Hangover Prevention Pill

If it was easily doable, someone would have invented it already

Cool Finds

Maple Syrup Farmers Can Now Vacuum Sap Out of Trees

A new technology helps sugarmakers get every last drop

New Research

Lone Bacteria Are More Likely to Become Drug Resistant Than Big Colonies

This finding could help design ways to prevent antibiotic resistance

Santa Barbara Church, built in the late 16th century.

Cool Finds

Mompox Does Exist: A Town Captured by Garcia Marquez Isn't Just a Dream

Once a center of commerce, Mompox is now an isolated city in Colombia

The Great Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza (Egypt). Ca. 1845. Lithography by David Roberts.

New Research

A Simple Trick May Have Helped the Egyptians Build the Pyramids

No ancient aliens needed: A little bit of water reduces friction when dragging a sled over sand

Trending Today

50 Years Ago Today, the First BASIC Program Ran in a Dartmouth Basement

The computer language that led the hobbyist computer boom turns 50 today

Activists in Denmark protest outside the American Embassy in Kbenhavn.

Cool Finds

The FISA Court Has Only Denied an NSA Request Once in the Past 5 Years

Only one of 8164 surveillance requests were denied by the court

New Research

For 100 Years, Female Students Have Gotten Better Grades in Every Subject

Yes, that includes math and science

Cool Finds

On These Book Tours, the Author Acts as a Tour Guide

Authors are literally bringing their readers along for the journey, by leading tours of places their books are set

Cool Finds

These Cold War Satellite Images Revealed 10,000 Undiscovered Archaeological Sites

Images of the Middle East from the 1960s showed thousands of archaeological sites—some of which have already been destroyed

Cool Finds

Mosquitoes Kill More Humans Than Human Murderers Do

From a human perspective, this makes them the deadliest animal in the world by far

Testing the jet shoe.

Cool Finds

NASA Made Jet Shoes for Flying Around in Space

Pushing down with your big toe would activate NASA's 1960s jet boot

New Research

Computers Can Tell If You're Really in Pain—Even Better Than People Can

As computers become better at reading people's expressions, their potential as lie detectors and diagnostic aids increases

The remote Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic is just one of the wilderness sites that will soon have wifi.

Cool Finds

Canada's Installing High Speed Wifi at Remote National Parks

Wireless internet will no longer be confined to visitor centers at an assortment of trial National Park wilderness sites

Cool Finds

How to Improve Your Vision Without Glasses, Contacts Or Surgery

Knowing a little about the physics of light can help you focus

Trout River, Newfoundland, Canada

Trending Today

This Dead Whale Could Explode at Any Minute

The 81-foot whale hasn't exploded...yet

Monument to Cervantes in Madrid

Cool Finds

Spain Begins to Search for Cervantes’ Bones

Experts use ground-penetrating radar to search for the author’s bones

Parents of some of the kidnapped girls react during a meeting last Friday.

Trending Today

Reports from Nigeria Say Abducted Girls Are Being Married to Their Captors, Moved Abroad

Reports from local residents say they saw mass marriages, kidnapped girls being moved out of the country

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