Smart News

The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide as reconstructed for the past 800,000 years.

Trending Today

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Is Now at Its Highest Point in Human Existence

The air hasn't been so full of carbon dioxide in, at least, the past 800,000 years

Inle Lake

Myanmar Is Becoming A Tourist Destination, But at a Cost

As more tourists enter the country, environmentalists worry about local ecosystems

New Research

There Are Regional Differences in Death Row Inmates’ Last Words

Southerners are more likely to say sorry, but that doesn't mean they actually feel remorse

Men riding on the back of a car, 1940.

Cool Finds

110 Years Ago, Times Square Got Its Name: Celebrate by Browsing Old Photos of NYC

Thanks to a new release of images from the New York City Municipal Archives, you can see what the city looked like before it was consumed by neon

New Research

Scientists Convince a Mouse's Organ to Roll Back Its Own Aging

By triggering the expression of a specific gene, the mouse's thymus reversed its aging

Cool Finds

Horses Can Do Yoga

"The method is to tame the horse according to its nature , avoiding cause fear and pain, and by earning their trust and loyalty"

St Louis

Cool Finds

Archaeologists Have Turned Up Teeny Tiny Pieces of St. Louis’ French Past

St. Louis was originally a French colonial city, but most remnants of that period have been lost to time, until now

Columbian Mammoth

Trending Today

When Evolution's Controversial, Declaring a State Fossil Can Get Tricky

The Columbian Mammoth gets caught in the crossfire of the culture wars

Cool Finds

Thanks to New Shipping Guidelines, the Ocean Might Finally Become a Quieter Place

Noise from the shipping industry can stress and harm marine animals

George W. Bush's self portrait.

Trending Today

How to Get a Solo Show as an Amateur Artist: First, Serve Two Terms As President...

President George W. Bush's portraits of world leaders appear to be copied off photos available on the internet

New Research

Lawyers Who Make Less Money And Get Worse Grades Are the Happiest

Money can't buy you happiness, even if you're a lawyer

Voynich Manuscript

Cool Finds

Is One of the Weirdest Books on the Planet Actually a Hoax?

This small book has puzzled scholars for decades and remains a mystery

Cool Finds

This Winter Was Hard on Animals, Too

As tough as it was on humans, it may have been even harder on the animals who don’t get to curl up in front of the fire

Trending Today

Microsoft Is Killing XP, But 75 Percent of ATMs Still Use It

420,000 ATMs are about to become easy targets for hackers

New Research

Violinists Can’t Tell the Difference Between Old and New Instruments

Regardless, many report still preferring old-school violins made by Italian masters

The Midwest aglow with a visualization of photosynthetic fluorescence.

New Research

Under the Summer Sun, the Corn Belt Is the Most Biologically Productive Place on Earth

During the peak growing season, the corn belt outproduces the Amazon

"Hey Neil I found something!" - Buzz Aldrin, maybe.

Cool Finds

The First Meal Eaten on the Moon Was Bacon

Bacon has a long history in the American space program

New Research

Playing Video Games Could Actually Change Your Brain—But Not in a Bad Way

Despite video games' bad rep, they might improve a person's strategizing and multi-tasking abilities

Cool Finds

Andy Warhol Probably Never Said His Celebrated "Fifteen Minutes of Fame" Line

In the interest of branding, however, it doesn't matter who said it, only that it worked

Cool Finds

States Don't Have to Disclose Where They Obtain Lethal Injection Drugs

First Missouri and now Texas has refused to disclose the origins of lethal injection drugs used in recent executions

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