Smart News

Fire crews respond to the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

Trending Today

New Deal Lets BP Back Into the Gulf

A deal lets BP bid on new leases in the Gulf, and resume selling oil to the U.S. government


Cool Finds

New York Is Turning Its Leftovers Into Natural Gas, With the Help of Hungry Bacteria

Some cities are taking table scraps and turning them into fuel.

Topographic map of the U.S. and Canada.

New Research

What’s the Flattest-Looking State in the U.S.?

How things are, and how things look, aren't always the same thing


Cool Finds

Cookie Monster’s First Name Is Sid, And Other Icon’s “Real” Names

Many fictional characters have full names, even if you never hear them

Cool Finds

Coming Soon, a College Degree in Coffee

The University of California, Davis, has launched a coffee research center, and hopes to offer college degrees in coffee

An albino redwood in Humboldt Country.

Cool Finds

One of World’s Ten Albino Redwoods Might Be Cut Down

Preservationists in California, however, are fighting to save the tree

New Research

You Can Make Or Break a First Impression by How You Say “Hello”

Specifically, it's the tone of your voice that is sending subtle clues about yourself—true or otherwise

Journey to the Center of Earth

There May Be a Second Massive Ocean Deep Beneath the Surface

Chemically bonded to minerals in the transition zone, Earth's mantle may be rather wet

West Coast of Ireland

Cool Finds

Ireland's Wild Atlantic West Is the Longest, Uninterrupted Coastal Route in the World

The Wild Atlantic Way skirts the entire west coast of Ireland

Cool Finds

More Than 900 Workers Have Already Died Building Qatar’s World Cup Infrastructure

The International Trade Union Confederation says that if conditions don’t improve, at least 4,000 migrants will die before kick-off

Cool Finds

Take a Mini-Tour of the Lenten Station Churches of Rome

During Lent, some Romans make an annual pilgrimage to churches all around the city, visiting one each day

New Research

Let Us Introduce You to a Tiny Arctic Tyrannosaurs

Nanuqsaurus hoglund lived above the Arctic circle

Trending Today

When Searching for Crashed Planes at Sea, Binoculars Are the Most Useful Tool

Technologies often fail to produce results, so when it comes to searching for planes lost at sea, the old-fashioned way works best

Colorado River

Trending Today

Google River View Comes to the Colorado River

Google's street view is now available for off-road destinations

New Research

Matching a Person’s Face With an ID Photo Seems To Be Something of a Crap Shoot

People fail to make a correct identification up to 20 percent of the time, at least in the lab

New Research

Copy Cats Are Universally Looked Down Upon by the World’s Children

Regardless of their nation's stance on copyright and intellectual property laws, kids are not into others stealing their ideas

New Research

Restoring Cut Rainforests Might Not Work Well If There’s Light Pollution Nearby

Fruit-eating bats can't do their job distributing seeds around the new jungle patch if they're blinded by lights

Maybe sometimes it would be nice if your stuff would just stay where you put it. Just for a minute? Please?

Cool Finds

Astronauts Are Really Sick of Houston, And Other Insights Gleaned From Spacefarer’s Diaries

Life in space is amazing and wonderful and beautiful and awesome, but sometimes it's also really, really annoying

Tell me phone, how do I feel today?

Cool Finds

Can Your Phone Tell How You’re Feeling by How Your Voice Sounds?

This app is supposed to listen to your voice and tell you how you’re feeling

Foldscopes assembled.

Cool Finds

This Paper Microscope Costs Just 97 Cents

Foldscope is a paper microscope that fits in your pocket and can be assembled for less than a dollar. And it works, too.

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