Smart News


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Could Giant Walls Prevent Tornadoes?

The idea is to build three walls, 1,000 feet high and 150 feet wide, running east to west across the country's middle

New Research

Stonehenge’s Stones Can Sing

Stonehenge's mighty bluestones sing when struck


Cool Finds

This Documentary Explores the Lives of Five People Willing to Go on a One-Way Trip to Mars

What drives a person to give it all up and set off into the unknown?

Kiruna's Iron Mine at Night

Cool Finds

How to Move a Town

Sweden’s northernmost town is moving towards the east to avoid falling into a mine

In Orbit

Cool Finds

Two Artists Lived on a Giant Hamster Wheel for Ten Days

The exhibit, In Orbit, is on display at a Williamsburg gallery

Pyramid of the Sun

Cool Finds

Mexico's Pyramid of the Sun Is Slowly Turning Into a Pile of Dust

When scientists scanned the pyramid's insides, they found a giant pile of dust

A carbon capture and storage plant in Germany.

Cool Finds

Forget Storing Carbon. Why Not Capture It And Make It Into Something Useful?

New equipment could let manufacturers use atmospheric carbon dioxide as a raw material

Ice yacht on the Hudson

Cool Finds

It Was Cold Enough This Winter to Go Ice Yachting on the Hudson River

This high-speed sport only happens when conditions are just right: a frozen river, lots of wind, and cold temperatures

Airplane Landing

Cool Finds

What's the Most Perfect Moment to Buy That Plane Ticket?

You know that the longer you wait to book a flight, the higher ticket prices climb. But when exactly should you book a flight?

Part of the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China.

Trending Today

Officials Are Giving the Great Wall of China a “Graffiti Zone”

<a href="">Kilroy was here</a>


Sub-Orbital Travel Is Going to Make the World Feel Really, Really Small

Our small world is about to get even smaller—for those who can afford to fly sub-orbitally

A mural of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Trending Today

Hundreds of Thousands of Syrians Are Starving As the Civil War Continues

Sieges and blocked supplies are hurting Syria's civilian population

Cool Finds

These Alien-Looking Metal Domes Are Keeping London Safe And Dry

The flood barrier that protects London closed fifty times this winter—a new record

New Research

There's New Evidence That Communist Leaders Secretly Airlifted Bears to Bulgaria in the '70s and '80s

Some of these Bulgarian bears are not genetically like the others...

PCT and Trap Lake

Cool Finds

This Is What It Looks Like When You Hike All 2,650 Miles of the Pacific Crest Trail

Welcome to the monumental endurance of thru-hiking

New Research

What Season You're Born in Might Influence How Your Brain Develops

Men born in December tend to have the most grey matter in a certain region of the brain, while men born in June have the least

Trending Today

Congress Designates the First Wilderness Area in Five Years

32,500 acres of lakeshore along Lake Michigan have been designated as wilderness by Congress

Cool Finds

If the World Continues to Heat Up, Chipotle Says Guacamole Could Be in Jeopardy

Of course, guacamole isn't the only staple of modern society threatened by climate change

Meet Lammily.

Cool Finds

An Average-Looking Doll Comes to the Rescue of Barbie-Addled Girls

A new Barbie-like doll with realistic proportions might help dispel stereotypes that influence little girls

Rocket cat and rocket bird, Buch von den probierten Künsten, Franz Helm, c 1535.

Cool Finds

Incendiary Bats, Rocket Cats: Military Strategists Will Dream of Attaching Firepower to Anything That Moves

In 16th century manuscripts, drawings of feline grenades

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