Smart News

New Research

The Sun Is Spraying Water Into Space

When the solar wind hits oxygen-rich rocks, water can form

Trending Today

Try to Smuggle an Illegal Elephant Tusk Out of Kenya, Pay a $230,000 Fine

For the first time, Kenya exercised its new, stricter punishments for wildlife trafficking crimes

Kitty wants a snack.

Cool Finds

That Time Cats Attacked a NYC Butcher Shop

Cats are clearly untrustworthy creatures. Everybody knows that. But lest you forget, here’s a historical horror story.

What do roses smell like?

New Research

English Speakers Are Bad at Identifying and Describing Smells

But is this a problem with our noses, or with English?

The USS Pueblo.

Cool Finds

The Time the U.S. Nearly Nuked North Korea Over a Highjacked Spy Ship

The Pueblo incident ended peacefully, but newly unclassified documents detail President Johnson's contingency plans

A curious, rare snow leopard checks out the researchers' camera trap.

Cool Finds

The Elusive Snow Leopard, Caught in a Camera Trap

Researchers managed to capture images of notoriously elusive snow leopards in Pakistan

Pigeon paté most likely resembles the common chicken-based version

Cool Finds

Amsterdam Is Feasting on Pigeon Paté

Street birds, not farm-raised squab, are rumored to be the meat of this tasty spread

Pete Seeger in concert in February, 1986.

Trending Today

Spend the Morning With Pete Seeger's Voice

“A good song makes you laugh, it makes you cry, it makes you think," Seeger once said

Researchers recreated what the 7,000 year-old man likely looked like.

New Research

Just Call This Hunter-Gatherer Ol' Blue-Eyes

DNA from an ancient human tooth found in a cave in Spain reveals one European hunter-gatherer's complexion

China's Jade Rabbit lunar rover, or Chang'e 3

Trending Today

China’s Lunar Rover Just Melodramatically Announced Its Impending Demise

A mechanical failure could mean the end of China's Jade Rabbit

A rare atmospheric anomaly in December filled the Grand Canyon with fog.

New Research

The Grand Canyon Is Young And Old, All at the Same Time

Geologically, the Grand Canyon is a baby, but you might say it has an old soul

Cool Finds

Look Closely at This Picture of John Glenn

The reflected faces of NASA staff appear in John Glenn's spacesuit

The supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* at the center of the Milky Way.

New Research

Stephen Hawking Thinks Black Holes Don’t Exist

And he's been trying to tell the rest of us for a decade

Definitely sinning right now.

Cool Finds

How Medieval People Decided Whether Sex Was Acceptable or Not

Spoiler alert: your sex is definitely Medievally sinful

New Research

Dogs Can Get Sexually Transmitted Cancer, And They’ve Been Spreading It for Millenia

This contagious cancer has spread from a single dog that lived 11,000 years ago

New Research

A New Device Can Use The Motion of a Beating Heart to Produce Electricity

Piezoelectric generators turn motion into electricity

Trending Today

The Army Is Open to Beards, Turbans And Other Religiously Affiliated Symbols

New dress regulations seek to accommodate soldier's religious symbols

Ready for a lifetime struggle for independence.

New Research

Twins Spend Their Whole Lives Trying to be Different From One Another

Many twins struggle to cultivate their own identities while being so similar to one another. And that struggle lasts a lifetime

The Orlova off Petermann Island (Antarctic Peninsula), 2010 (before being abandoned).

Trending Today

No, an Abandoned Ship Full of Diseased Rats Is Not Floating Towards Britain

If you believe the headlines, a ghost ship full of cannibal rats is heading for England. Don't believe the headlines

Fun for everybody.

New Research

Simply Having a Gay Straight Alliance Reduces Suicide Risk for All Students

In schools with GSAs heterosexual boys were half as likely to attempt suicide

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