Smart News

Being able to identify people based on their skulls is a key part of forensic anthropology. The problem is that no one has ever really tested how good we are at it.

Can You Match These Skulls? Many Experts Can’t

Only 56 percent of forensic anthropologists can correctly pair up two images of the same skull when given two profile images

Animals use one of two different mechanisms, bioluminescence and fluorescence, to light up.

This One Little Video Will Help You Understand Fireflies Better Forever

Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction that happens and creates light. Fluorescence requires lights to be seen

In New York City, you can even get a late pass from the MTA to show your skeptical boss.

The NYC Subways Will Give You a Late Slip If Your Train Is Delayed

In New York City you can even get a late pass from the MTA to show your skeptical boss

Can you find Beijing in this photo? Or anything, really?

China Is So Smoggy You Can’t Even See Beijing From Space

Can you find Beijing in this smog-filled satellite photo?

The Antarctic plateau. Very, very, very cold. Now, imagine it in winter.

You Think It’s Cold Out? NASA Just Found the New Coldest Place on Earth

At -135.8 Fahrenheit, you definitely don't want to go here

New York Decides Shooting Snowy Owls Is Not the Best Choice, After All

Snowy owls may congregate at airports because snowy tarmacs resemble the animals' natural habitat, the Arctic tundra

If People Flirted Like Animals

Just be glad people don't flirt like some of these other animals

VIDEO: The CIA Trained These Animals to Spy for Them

The government agency used birds, cats and even dolphins to help them on covert operations

Sharks Can Sense When Your Back Is Turned

New research suggests that sharks can sense where you can't see, and will approach just outside your field of vision

By Painting Their Markings, This Scientist Disrupted Birds' Social Structure

A few lines of black paint was all it took to destroy these Pūkekos' social standing

Drivers Are More Likely to Brake at Yellow Lights If They've Just Seen a Depressing Billboard

After seeing positive or neutral ads before a yellow light, drivers were more likely to run it. But after negative ads, they were more likely to break

This is how many days I have left.

Can This App Predict Your Death?

When are you going to die? You probably don't know the answer to that question - but if you download this app you could find out. Sort of

Two BlizzCon attendees dress up as Blood Elves, a race from the World of Warcraft.

The NSA Was Spying in World of Warcraft

And in Second Life

A Google Doodle That Honors Computer Programmer Grace Hopper

Hopper was a U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, and in 1959 she helped create COBOL—a program that the military and banks still use today

You Can Be Really Good at Certain Skills Without Having Any Idea How They Work

How well do you know the tools you use every day?

A more Earthly Mordor.

Which U.S. City Most Resembles Mordor? A British Climate Scientist Found Out

Mordor is basically Los Angeles

Can Crowds Predict the Future?

You probably shouldn't rely on crowd wisdom to make personal decisions, but when it comes to global outcomes, the crowd might be smarter than you think

Why Do Moose Fight So Much?

The point isn't actually to gore the other moose with your antlers, but rather to push harder and show that you're stronger

This is the First Selfie. Ever.

Not new at all, the world's first selfie was snapped in 1839

A screenshot from the game Airport Scanner.

It's Relatively Easy to Spot Water Bottles in Airport Scanners; Guns, Not So Much

Researchers plan to examine whether the same tendencies to overlook uncommon items exist among trained TSA professionals, just as it does gamers

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