Smart News


Plants Do Math Every Single Day

Math, the researchers say, is a vital component of a plant's ability to grow and thrive

Millennials Still Like Print Books!

Even in an age of smartphones, tablets and laptops, young folks (ages 16-29) are reading. A lot.


What Was in the Mysterious Woman Suffrage Party Safe Box?

For as long as anyone can remember, the safe box - marked simply "Woman Suffrage Party" has sat in the council's New York City office

Blue tits being winter piggies.

Birds That Gorge Themselves in Winter Have Fewer Chicks in Spring

The well-fed birds' babies were smaller and weighed less than the chicks belonging to birds that had to scrape by during the cold months on their own wits


One of Our Nearest Neighbor Stars Has At Least Six Planets, And Three May Be Habitable

Three potentially habitable planets orbit a star just 22 light years away

One day, these will be laughably large.

Batteries Are Now Unbelievably Tiny

A group from Harvard and the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana figured out how to print tiny batteries, no bigger than a grain of sand


Song of Fire and Ice: Watch What Happens When Lava Meets Ice


To Understand How the Supreme Court Changed Voting Rights Today, Just Look at This Map

Today the Supreme Court of the United States decided 5 to 4 that one major section of the Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional


NSA Leaker Edward Snowden’s Not in Russia. Technically.

In Medieval Times, Popular Dog Names Included Little Hammer, Fortuna and Bo

Dogs and cats have been with us for centuries, and so has our habit of giving them affectionate names


We Still Have No Idea Why Women Have Orgasms

Most researchers hypothesize that the orgasms must have something to do with facilitating the meeting of sperm and egg, but studies prove inconclusive


This Just-Discovered Mayan City Once Held 35,000 People

The ancient Mayan city of Chactun was once a metropolis with around 35,000 inhabitants. It was abandoned 1,000 years ago, and lost to scholars until now


This Stunning, Six-and-a-Half Hour Video of the Night Sky Will Transport You to the Desert


The World’s Oldest Wild Bear Is Showing Her Age

She's 39 and a half, and she's the oldest wild bear in the world


Now You Can Control Video Games With Your Thoughts Alone

Thinking of blinking sends the paddle sailing in this brain-controlled version of PONG


The Olympic Torch Is Going to Space

For the 2014 games, Russia is sending the Olympic torch to space

Hairy Stockings and Other Pervert-Deterring Fashion Accessories

Most conversations gloss over the root of these creative accessories: sexual harassment


Plan a Psychedelic Wedding with Glowing Dresses Made from Material from Engineered Silkworm

Researchers say they see potential for the glowing silk to be used for some medical technologies, too

How a Physics Diagram Was Named After a Penguin

1977 Ellis made a bet with a student, Melissa Franklin, and lost. The result can be seen in physics classrooms all over the world: the penguin diagram


The Periodic Table of Elemental Discoveries

A periodic table showing which countries are associated with which elemental discoveries

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