We hear it goes great with cheese
In the movie Fly Away home that involved a goose shaped plane, but in the wild it's just a few flicks of the neck.
Brandon Todd spent years training to be able to dunk, putting on 80 pounds of muscle and increasing his vertical to 45 inches
Depending on a person's age and the robot's job, people feel differently about what the robot should look like
A new device uses heat from any fire to produce electricity
While the rise of agriculture allowed human populations to blossom, it also opened the door for catastrophic collapses
The brown hyena who originally planted the evidence most likely ate the person, though it could have scavenged on a dead body
A lot of things sing to mark their territory - birds, wolves, howler monkeys. But you can now add mice to that list
A massive earthquake last week created a new island off the coast of Pakistan
Clancy authored more than 20 books and his final novel, Command Authority, is scheduled for release on December 3
This new discovery fills in a gap in that chemical line-up, though experts suspect that many more molecular surprises await
Forget iPads, if you want a long lasting toy stick with blocks
Perhaps the lack of fish food even explains the orientation of Easter Island's famous statues, which face inwards toward the islanders' food source
Pilots will have to wear hearing protection along with a helmet, neck restraints, boots and a fireproof suit
Proto Indo-European is thought to be the precursor to many Indian, Asian and European languages
Researchers are trying to culture what comes out of blowholes from whales and dolphins, to see if they can use them as diagnostic tools
Desomorphine, a cleaner form of the drug, was first concocted by the U.S. in the 1930s as a potential morphine substitute
In A.D. 1257 a massive volcano erupted, spreading ash all over the world. The problem is that scientists have no idea where the eruption happened
People affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement want to open an Occupy-branded bank
Dancers may reshape their brains with years or training, or people who have a natural ability not to fall over may be most likely to become pro ballerinas
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